About this site

Gardening Matters Legacy

15 years ago Gardening Matters began as a collaboration of three organizations and dozens of community garden leaders to support community gardens and the people who make them happen.

Since then we have seen a huge positive shift in the appreciation of government agencies, corporations and nonprofits in recognizing these community spaces as a benefit to gardeners AND the communities in which they reside.

We are proud to have worked collaboratively to give "gardening" a good name: from fluffy and feel good to one where it is a necessary neighborhood asset.

Together, we have shown how the community garden contributes to community building, healthy food access and food sovereignty, mental health and wellness, and always, connects us to where we come from -- both our heritage and this wonderful planet.

Even while we are closing, the Board of Directors will continue to work with other organizations and agencies to see that the core support services continue, such as garden referrals, and comgar updates. We extend our thanks to MN State Horticultural Society for managing it now and to Hennepin County Master Gardeners in keeping COMGAR going in the interim.

Remember! Community gardening is 50% gardening and 100% community! Take care of each other and continue to pass the gift of the garden and help others experience its magic to heal, inspire, and empower. There has never been a more urgent time to connect to neighbor and earth.

-- Board of Directors, Gardening Matters (February 2019)

Please reach out to gardeningmatters@gmail.com with any questions, we will continue to check this email weekly