· Y. Roh, C.W. Domier, N.C. Luhmann, Jr. “Design of an X-Mode Swept Frequency Modulation Reflectometer for the Measurement of KSTAR Plasma Density Profiles,” (Invited) ,” Review of Scientific Instruments, 75, No. 10, p. 3871-3874, October 2004.

· T. Liang, B. Tobias, X. Kong, C. W. Domier, N. C. Luhmann, Jr., W. Lee, G. S. Yun, and H. K. Park, Innovations in optical coupling of the KSTAR electron cyclotron emission imaging diagnostic, REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS 81, 10D909, 2010

· L. Lei, B. Tobias, C.W. Domier, N.C. Luhmann, Jr., G.J. Kramer, E.J. Valeo, W. Lee, G.S. Yun, H.K. Park, “A synthetic diagnostic for the evaluation of new microwave imaging reflectometry diagnostics for DIII-D and KSTAR,” Review of Scientific Instruments 81, 10D904, (2010).

· G.S. Yun, W. Lee, M.J. Choi, J.B. Kim, H.K. Park, C.W. Domier, B. Tobias, T. Liang, X. Kong, N.C. Luhmann, Jr., A.J.H. Donné, “Development of KSTAR ECE imaging system for measurement of temperature fluctuations and edge density fluctuations,” Review of Scientific Instruments 81, 10D930, (2010).

· J.B. Kim, W. Lee, G.S. Yun, H.K. Park, C.W. Domier, N.C. Luhmann, Jr., “Data acquisition and processing system of the electron cyclotron emission imaging system of the KSTAR tokamak,” Review of Scientific Instruments 81, 10D931, (2010).

· W. Lee, G.S. Yun, Y. Nam, J.B. Kim, H.K. Park, B. Tobias, X. Kong, T. Liang, C.W. Domier, N.C. Luhmann, Jr., “Comparative study between the reflective optics and lens based system for microwave imaging system on KSTAR,” Review of Scientific Instruments 81, 10D932, (2010).

· H.K Park, I. Hong, M. Kim, G.S. Yun, W. Lee, B. Tobias, C.W. Domier, N.C. Luhmann, Jr., K.W. Kim, “Microwave imaging reflectometry studies for turbulence diagnostics on KSTAR,” Review of Scientific Instruments 81, 10D933, (2010).

· Woochang Lee, Gunsu S. Yun, Inho Hong, Minwoo Kim, b. Kim, Yoonbum Nam, Hyeon, K. Park, Young G. Kim, Kang W. Kim, Benjamin Tobias, Calvin W. Domier, Neville C. Luhmann, Jr., “Microwave Imaging Reflectometry System for KSTAR,” Plasma and Fusion Research, 6, 2402037, 2011.

· G.S. Yun, W. Lee, M.J. Choi, J. Lee, H.K. Park, B. Tobias, C.W. Domier, N.C. Luhmann, Jr., A.J.H. Donne, J.H. Lee, “Two Dimensional Visualization of Growth and Burst of the Edge-Localized Filaments in KSTAR H-Mode Plasmas,” Physics Review Letters, 107, No. 4, 2011.


· B. Tobias, “Electron Cyclotron Emission Imaging of MHD Activity on the DIII-D, TEXTOR, ASDEX-U, and KSTAR Tokamaks(Invited)”, 52nd Annual Meeting APS Division of Plasma Physics, Chicago, IL, USA, Nov. 8-12, 2010.

· G.S. Yun, W. Lee, M.J. Choi, J.B. Kim, H.K. Park, C.W. Domier, B. Tobias, T. Liang, X. Kong, N.C. Luhmann, Jr., A.J.H. Donne, T. Munsat, “KSTAR ECE Imaging for Temperature and Edge Density Measurements”, 52nd Annual Meeting APS Division of Plasma Physics, Chicago, IL, USA, Nov. 8-12, 2010.

· M.J. Choi, G.S. Yun, W.C. Lee, J.B. Kim, H.K. Park, C.W. Domier, B. Tobias, T. Liang, X. Kong, N.C. Luhmann, Jr., A.J.H. Donné, T. Munsat, “Investigation of the Sawtooth Physics using ECE Imaging system on KSTAR”, 52nd Annual Meeting APS Division of Plasma Physics, Chicago, IL, USA, Nov. 8-12, 2010.

· Z. Xia, J. Wang, C.W.Domier, N.C. Luhmann, Jr., “Subharmonic Imaging Array Development for ECEI on KSTAR,” APS, 45thAnnual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics, Albuquerque, NM, October 27-31, 2003

· T. Liang, C.W. Domier, N.C. Luhmann, Jr., B.J. Tobias, H.K. Park, G.S. Yun, W. Lee, “Electron Cyclotron Emission Imaging on KSTAR”, 51st Annual Meeting APS Division of Plasma Physics, Atlanta, GA, USA, Nov. 2-6, 2009.


· Zuowei Shen, Calvin W. Domier, Neville C. Luhmann, Jr., Millimeter Wave Imaging on the KSTAR Tokamak via Simultaneous ECEI/MIR, Joint 31st International Conference on Infrared Millimeter Waves and 14th International Conference on TeraherzElectronics, 2006.

· T. Liang, C.W. Domier, N.C. Luhmann, Jr., B.J. Tobias, and H.K. Park, “A Four Array ECEI Instrument for Imaging and Visualization of MHD and Microturbulence Phenomena on the KSTAR Tokamak, Proceedings of the 36th IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, San Diego, CA 2009.

· N.C. Luhmann, Jr., Tools for Turbulence Diagnostics, KSTAR Advanced Physics Workshop, November 13-15, 2000, Korea Basic Science Institute, Taejeon, Korea

· N. C. Luhmann, Jr., C.C. Chang, C.W. Domier, C. Liang, J. Wang, Z.G. Xia; E. Mazzucato, T. Munsat, and H. Park; A.J.H. Donné, and M.J. van de Pol, IMAGING DIAGNOSTICS, US-Korea Fusion Bilateral, 2nd Transport Workshop, August 12-13, 2002, San Diego, California

· N.C. Luhmann, Jr., “Visualization Diagnostics (MIR and ECEI),” US-Korea Workshop on Opportunities for Expanded Fusion Science and Technology Collaborations with the KSTAR Project, held on May 19-20, 2004 at General Atomics, San Diego, CA.

· N. C. Luhmann, Jr., Imaging Systems Based on ECE and Reflectometry, Summer School for Diagnostics for Fusion Plasmas, Korea Basic Science Institute, August 25-27, 2004.

· Z.G. Xia, H-C. Wu, C.W. Domier, N.C. Luhmann, Jr., “Imaging Array Diagnostic Development Activities in Support of ECE Imaging on KSTAR,” 15th Topical Conference on High-Temperature Plasma Diagnostics, April 19-22, San Diego, CA 2004

· N. C. Luhmann, Jr., Visualization diagnostics (MIR and ECEI), FY ‘07 US-KSTAR Collaboration Workshop, NFRC, Daejon, Korea

· T. Liang, Z. Shen, X. Kong, C.W. Domier, N.C. Luhmann, Jr., H.K. Park, “New Advances of the Plasma Visualization System for KSTAR,” 15th Joint Workshop on Electron Cyclotron Emission and Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating (EC-15), Yosemite, CA, March 10-13, 2008.

· C.W. Domier, N.C. Luhmann, Jr., “Plasma Visualization Diagnostics for KSTAR: ECEI and MIR”, FY09 US-KSTAR Collaboration Workshop, San Diego, CA, April 15-16, 2009.

· H.K. Park, M. Choi, I. Hong, M. Kim, J.C. Kim, W. Lee, G.S. Yun, B. Tobias, C.W. Domier, X. Kong, T. Liang, N.C. Luhmann, I. Classen, J.E. Boom, A.J.H. Donné, “Visualization of Fusion Plasma Physics via Millimeter Wave Imaging Techniques,” 2010 35th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz 2010), 5612383, (2010).

· H.K. Park, N.C. Luhmann, Jr., A.J.H. Donné, B. Tobias, G.S. Yun, I. Classen, C.W. Domier, M. Choi, J.C. Kim, W. Lee, T. Liang, T. Munsat, “2-D Microwave Imaging on TEXTOR, ASDEX-UG, DIII-D, and KSTAR,” European Physical Science 37th Conference on Plasma Physics, Dublin, Ireland, June 21-25, 2010.

· W. Lee, G. S. Yun, I. Hong, M. Kim, J. B. Kim, Y. B. Nam, H. K. Park, Y. G. Kim1, M. G. Choi1, K. W. Kim, B. Tobias, E. Valeo, G. Kramer, C. W. Domier, and N. C. Luhmann, Jr., Microwave Imaging Reflectometry (MIR) System for KSTAR, 2011 KSTAR Conference and KO-US Workshop, Muju Resort, Muju, Jeonbuk, February 22-24, 2011

· M.J. Choi, G.S. Yun, J.H. Lee, W.C. Lee, J.B. Kim, H.K. Park, C.W. Domier and N. C. Luhmann, Jr., B. Tobias, and A. J. H. Donné, Observation of the Growth of ELM Filament via 2-D ECE Imaging, 2011 KSTAR Conference and KO-US Workshop, Muju Resort, Muju, Jeonbuk, February 22-24, 2011

· J. Lee, G.S. Yun, M.J. Choi, W. Lee, J.B. Kim, H. Park, C.W. Domier, N.C. Luhmann Jr., B.Tobias, A.J.H. Donné, Study of 2D ELM Crash Dynamics using ECEI, 2011 KSTAR Conference and KO-US Workshop, Muju Resort, Muju, Jeonbuk, February 22-24, 2011

· H.K. PARK, N.C. LUHMANN JR., A.J.H. DONNÉ , B. TOBIAS, G.S. YUN, M. CHOI, I.G.J. CLASSEN, C.W. DOMIER, J.C. KIM, X. KONG, W. LEE, T. LIANG, T. MUNSAT, L. YU 2, and ASDEX UGRADE TEAM, Comparative Study of Sawtooth Physics and Alfvén Waves via 2-D ECE. Imaging on KSTAR, DIII-D, AUG and TEXTOR, 3rd IAEA Fusion Energy Conference. 2010, Nuclear Fusion: Daejon, Korea.

· H.K. Park, N.C. Luhmann, Jr., C.W. Domier, T. Munsat, B. Tobias, “Sawtooth Reconnection Physics and the Evolution of a Visualization Tool for Toroidal Plasma Physics Study,” 10th International Workshop on the Interrelation between Plasma Experiments in Laboratory and Space (IPELS), Djuronaset, Sweden, June 8-12, 2009.

· G.S. Yun, W. Lee, H.K. Park, C.W. Domier, T. Liang, B. Tobias, N.C. Luhmann, Jr., T. Munsat, “Development of Microwave Imaging Diagnostics for KSTAR,” 85th Annual Meeting Korean Physical Society, Changwon, Oct. 21-23, 2009.

· G.S. Yun, W. Lee, M.J. Choi, J. Kim, H.K. Park, B. Tobias, C.W. Domier, T. Liang, X. Kong, N.C. Luhmann, Jr., “ECE Imaging for KSTAR,” 19th International Toki Conference on Advanced Physics in Plasma and Fusion Research, Gifu, Japan, Dec. 8-11, 2009.

· W. Lee, G.S. Yun, H.K. Park, T. Liang, B. Tobias, C.W. Domier and N.C. Luhmann, Jr., “Optics Design of KSTAR ECE Imaging System,” 85th Annual Meeting Korean Physical Society, Changwon, Oct. 21-23, 2009.

· G.S. Yun, W. Lee, M.J. Choi, H.K. Park, B. Tobias, C.W. Domier, T. Liang, N.C. Luhmann, Jr., T. Munsat, “ECE Imaging for KSTAR,” 19th International Toki Conf. on Advanced Physics in Plasma and Fusion Research, Toki, Gifu, Japan, Dec. 8-11, 2009.

· H.K. Park, G. Yun, W. Lee, M.J. Choi, N.C. Luhmann, Jr., C.W. Domier, A.J.H. Donné, I. Classen, T. Munsat, “Visualization Technique for MHD and Transport Physics in tokamaks,” 19th International Toki Conf. on Advanced Physics in Plasma and Fusion Research, Toki, Gifu, Japan, Dec. 8-11, 2009.

· H.K. Park, B. Tobias, G.S. Yun, W. Lee, M.J. Choi, I.G.J. Classen, C.W. Domier, A.J.H. Donné, J.C. Kim, X. Kong, T. Liang, N.C. Luhmann, Jr., L. Yu, “2D ECE Imaging Program for Fluctuation Studies on the KSTAR and DIII-D Tokamaks,” 16th Joint Workshop on Electron Cyclotron Emission and Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating, Sanya, China, April 12-15, 2010.

· L. Lei, B. Tobias, C.W. Domier, N.C. Luhmann, Jr., G.J. Kramer, E.J. Valeo, W. Lee, G.S. Yun, H.K. Park, “A synthetic diagnostic for the evaluation of new microwave imaging reflectometry diagnostics for DIII-D and KSTAR,” 18th Top. Conf. High Temperature Plasma Diagnostics, Wildwood, NJ, USA, May 16-20, 2010.

· T. Liang, B. Tobias, X. Kong, C.W. Domier, N.C. Luhmann, Jr., W. Lee, G.S. Yun, H.K. Park, “Innovations in optical coupling of the KSTAR electron cyclotron emission imaging diagnostic,” 18th Top. Conf. High Temperature Plasma Diagnostics, Wildwood, NJ, USA, May 16-20, 2010.

· G.S. Yun, W. Lee, M.J. Choi, J.B. Kim, H.K. Park, C.W. Domier, B. Tobias, T. Liang, X. Kong, N.C. Luhmann, Jr., A.J.H. Donné, “Development of KSTAR ECE imaging system for measurement of temperature fluctuations and edge density fluctuations,” 18th Top. Conf. High Temperature Plasma Diagnostics, Wildwood, NJ, USA, May 16-20, 2010.

· J.B. Kim, W. Lee, G.S. Yun, H.K. Park, C.W. Domier, N.C. Luhmann, Jr., “Data acquisition and processing system of the electron cyclotron emission imaging system of the KSTAR tokamak,” 18th Top. Conf. High Temperature Plasma Diagnostics, Wildwood, NJ, USA, May 16-20, 2010.

· W. Lee, G.S. Yun, Y. Nam, J.B. Kim, H.K. Park, B. Tobias, X. Kong, T. Liang, C.W. Domier, N.C. Luhmann, Jr., “Comparative study between the reflective optics and lens based system for microwave imaging system on KSTAR,” 18th Top. Conf. High Temperature Plasma Diagnostics, Wildwood, NJ, USA, May 16-20, 2010.

· H.K Park, I. Hong, M. Kim, G.S. Yun, W. Lee, B. Tobias, C.W. Domier, N.C. Luhmann, Jr., K.W. Kim, “Microwave imaging reflectometry studies for turbulence diagnostics on KSTAR,” 18th Top. Conf. High Temperature Plasma Diagnostics, Wildwood, NJ, USA, May 16-20, 2010.

· H.K. Park, G.S. Yun, M. Choi, I. Hong, M. Kim, J.C. Kim, W. Lee, B. Tobias, C.W. Domier,

X. Kong, T. Liang, N.C. Luhmann, Jr., I.G.J. Classen, J.E. Boom, A.J.H. Donné, “Visualization of Fusion Plasma Physics via Millimeter Wave Imaging Techniques (Plenary),” 35th International Conf. Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves, Rome, Italy, Sept. 5-10, 2010.

· H.K. Park, N.C. Luhmann, Jr,, A.J.H. Donné, B. Tobias, G.S. Yun, M. Choi, I. Classen, J.E. Boom, C.W. Domier, J.C. Kim, X. Kong, W. Lee, T. Liang, T. Munsat , ASDEX UPGRADE Team, “Comparative Study of Sawtooth Physics and Alfvén Waves via 2-D ECE Imaging on KSTAR, DIII-D, AUG, TEXTOR,” 23rd IAEA FEC Conference, Daejeon, Korea, Oct. 10-16, 2010.

· H.K. Park, I. Hong, J.B. Kim, M. Kim, W. Lee, Y. Nam, G.S. Yun, B. Tobias, C.W. Domier, N.C. Luhmann, Jr., K.W. Kim, “Study of Density Fluctuation via Microwave Imaging Reflectometry on KSTAR”, 52nd Annual Meeting APS Division of Plasma Physics, Chicago, IL, USA, Nov. 8-12, 2010.

· W. Lee, I. Hong, J. Leem, M. Kim, Y. Nam, G. S. Yun, H. K. Park, Y. G. Kim1, K. W. Kim, C. W. Domier, and N. C. Luhmann, Jr., Status of the 2-D microwave imaging reflectometry for KSTAR, 2012 KSTAR Conference, Muju Resort, Muju, Jeonbuk, Feb. 22 - 24, 2012