Yuan Zheng

Yuan Zheng

Postdoctoral Researcher

Email: zywin882006@gmail.com

Research Interests:

Design and test the Vacuum Electron Device.

Academic Background

  • B.S., Vacuum Electronics,University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, 2010

Thesis title: "The Design and Test of High Frequency Structure of Gyrotrons"

  • Visiting Scholar, Electrical Engineering, University of California Davis,2014-2016.

  • Ph.D.,Vacuum Electronics,University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, 2016.

Thesis title: "Research and Design of Staggered Double Grating SB-TWTs"


  1. Electron Beam Transport System for 263-GHz Sheet Beam TWT [J]. IEEE Trans. on Electron Device, 2016, 63(11),4466-4472.

  2. 0.2-THz Dual Mode Sheet Beam Traveling Wave Tube [J]. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 2017, pp(99):1-7.

  3. Extremely Broad Bandwidth Input/Output Coupling Structure Design for a QBand Sheet-Beam Traveling-Wave Tube [J]. IEEE Trans. on Plasma Science, 2014, 42(10):3339-3343.

  4. Extremely broad bandwidth hybrid-transmission-mode pill-box window [J]. Journal of infrared and millimeter waves, 2015, 34(3):368-374.

  5. Design and Analysis of Extremely Broad Bandwidth Input and Output Structure for THz Sheet Beam Device [C]. UCMMT, 2016 IEEE International

  6. Design of a compact and high performance 263 GHz SB-TWT circuit [C]. IVEC. IEEE, 2016.