Xiaoliang Li
Email: xiaoliang@ipp.ac.cn; xiaoliangli13579@gmail.com
Phone: (858) 405-3365
Work: (858) 455-2464
XiaoliangLi. Research in Microwave plasma diagnostics, got his B.E from University of South China, with major in Nuclear Science and Technology (2011-2015) and now is a Ph.D student of Nuclear Energy Science and Technology at University of Science and Technology of China & Institute of Plasma Physics Chinese Academy Sciences. He was in charge of the design of MicroWave Interferometer (MWI) on HPPX and Doppler Backscattering System (DBS) on EAST during the period at ASIPP.
He is now as a UC Divas visitor working at GA for four month until June 25 2019, mainly focus on the upgrade work of Microwave Imaging Reflectometry (MIR) and Electron Cyclotron Emission Imaging (ECEI).