
Target Market

Non-melanoma skin cancer (NMSC) is the most common type of skin cancer in the United States, commonly affecting the head and neck regions of the body. Mohs Micrographic Surgery (MMS) is a highly effective surgical technique that removes cancerous tissue layer by layer, with a team methodically inspecting tissue samples for remaining traces of cancer until there is no tumor remaining. MMS can result in varying sizes of wounds on the patient’s skin. Through clinical observation and interviewing physicians it was noted that current tools used to analyze defects are rudimentary and have many problems. It was identified there was a need for a MMS reconstruction tool which can analyze defects quickly, precisely, and in a sterile manner.

Competitive Landscape

Currently there are four major techniques used in assisting reconstruction glove imprinting, foil templating, plastic fenestrated drape templating, and Aquaplast all of which meet a minimal of the device requirements. In contrast, the MMSDA meets all of the requirements therefore showing great benefit for both the physicians and patients. All five techniques are shown what requirements are met by each of the techniques.