Welcome to our website

Site updated : 31st August 2024

Our Roman Catholic parish in Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire, UK, is part of the Grantham deanery within the  Diocese of Nottingham

Mass is celebrated at the parish church of St John the Baptist and by kind permission of the Franciscan Sisters Minoress, St Francis' Convent Chapel. 

Saint John the Baptist, Pray for Us


The One Centre

7pm. Saturday 7th September.

This Sunday September 1st at the One Centre, 10 Frog Island at 7 p.m. we are gathering from many churches in Leicestershire to pray and worship together. This night will make a huge difference because prayer changes things. There is extensive parking at the One Centre and if you have any questions please email us.

See you on Sunday!

David Hind - david.hind@onechurch.org.uk 

Susan Hind - susan.hind@onechurch.org.uk 

(On behalf of many Leicester church leaders)

Hall building project grant received

Thanks to the generosity of the Benefact Trust, the funding of our hall has received a major boost. More details.

Sacristans Needed 

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer sacristan at St. John’s, which is a varied and worthwhile role supporting Fr Tom, please speak to him for details.

Readers at Mass

If you would like to read at St John’s on either a Saturday evening or Sunday morning, please contact the office stjohn.melton@dioceseofnottingham.uk. Thank you.

March for Life

London  -  Saturday 7th September.

There are many attempts to further liberalise abortion in the UK and to silence those offering any alternative viewpoint, whether it's 'pills by post' abortions, 'decriminalisation', buffer zones, or censorship of pro-life students at universities. The dangers of these situations are being highlighted by the theme of this year's March for Life which is 'Abortion isn't healthcare'. Join thousands at this family-friendly event. Find out more at www.marchforlife.co.uk or contact Marie on marielangford@live.co.uk about the coach going from central Nottingham.

National Eucharistic Pilgrimage and Congress

14th September 2024

The Bishops of England and Wales are hosting a National Eucharistic Pilgrimage and Congress, Adoremus, on Saturday 14th September.  As well as being part of the Year of Prayer, this will be a continuation of the Eucharistic Congress held in Liverpool in 2018, and a time of preparation for the Jubilee 2025.  Information will be made available over the coming months to help all our parishes and communities prepare for this occasion.  As we celebrate today the solemnity of Corpus Christi we are invited to marvel afresh at the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament, Jesus who lives with us always.

Ride & Stride

14th September 2024

Do you like walking or cycling? Would you like to have an interesting day out and also raise money for your Church?

Ride and Stride is an annual sponsored walk or bike ride where people are sponsored for each Historic Church they visit. A list of the participating churches will be supplied. Half the money you raise goes to the church of your choice and the other half goes into a general fund which has already donated £1,500 to our hall building project. So, what are you waiting for? You can’t lose! Pick up a sponsor form on your way out of church today. If you are not so active but also wish to help, you can be sponsored to sit in our church on the day and offer tea and biscuits to weary walkers and cyclists.

Residential School of Evangelisation

September 2024 - May 2025

Ideal for Catholics over the age of 18 - see the poster - ideal for a career break, Sabatical Year and for those thinking of a Religous Life or the Priesthood.

Parish and Community Hall Project

The proposal is to build a parish and community hall annexe with parish office alongside the existing church of Saint John the Baptist.

More information

Mass Times


9:00am St John's


10:00am St John's

6:00pm Vigil Mass St John's


Please see the Newsletter

Private Prayer & Exposition

Saturday 10:30am - 12:00pm (St John's)

Sacrament of Reconciliation

Saturday 10:30am - 11:00am (St John's)

Saturday 5:30pm - 5:45pm (St John's)

or by appointment with Father Tom

Today's Gospel

How To Find Us

St John the Baptist Catholic Church

Thorpe End, Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire, LE13 1RB

Parish Priest:  Rev. Monsignor Canon Thomas McGovern

Safeguarding Representative: Jo Anderson

 Tel: 01664 562274  Email: stjohn.melton@dioceseofnottingham.uk

Facebook: @MeltonCatholics   Twitter: @MeltonCatholics