Parish and Community Hall Project

What we are doing

The proposal is to build a parish and community hall annexe with parish office alongside the existing church of Saint John the Baptist on Thorpe End, Melton Mowbray, within the curtilage of the church. The new building would be connected to the church and would serve the needs of the parish and provide facilities available to the wider community. It will be fully accessible with disabled toilets and step free access to the hall and church.

Why we are doing it

We have two main aims for this project: to strengthen and foster our own church community in the observance and practice of our faith and, in the wider community, provide an opportunity to express our faith in doing good works and caring for our neighbours. As a parish gathering point the hall will foster friendships and offer facilities for youth and childcare; as a parish facility it will provide a meeting place for special interest groups in areas of liturgy, faith development, evangelism and community support. This will strengthen the faith, commitment and involvement of parishioners and be a resource for propagating the faith. As a community resource, it will be used, by ourselves and others, to provide material, social and spiritual support to those who need it. As a venue for hire it will bring the wider community into the faith environment through special events, concerts, and exhibitions. It will also be available for functions and lifestyle activities such as fitness and personal development.

When we are doing it

Planning permission received 15th May 2024. Works start date Quarter 3 2024 or Quarter 1 2025 for approximately 10 months.

How we are doing it

The project is being funded from the proceeds of the disposal of St Peter's Church and Parish Centre which had been structurally unsound, fundraising by our parish community, donations and grants.  We are grateful to everyone who is helping us to achieve our goal.  The greater part of the cost has been raised and we currently have a shortfall of around £200,000. 

If you would like to donate

You can donate to our project by bank transfer, cheque, online or by supporting one of our fundraising events.

To donate by bank transfer

Account name St John Baptist Melton M RCP
Sort Code 30-65-85
Account number 34070268
Please include a reference to indicate your donation is for the parish hall

To donate by cheque

Please make cheques payable to St John Baptist Melton M RCP and include a note to indicate your donation is for the parish hall. Cheques should be sent to the Parish Office, c/o 52 Dalby Road, Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire, LE13 0BP.

To donate online

Online donations can be sent using the Friends of St John's Church Melton Mowbray JustGiving page.  The Friends of St John's Church Melton Mowbray is a registered charity.

Fundraising events

Fundraising events are advertised in the Parish Newsletter, the Parish Facebook page and the Friends of St John's Church Melton Mowbray Facebook page.