Typical Exam Session

What To Expect At An MMARC Exam Session

v Aug 15 2021

  1. Welcome to an MMARC VE exam session!

  2. The MMARC VE Team is part of the Laurel VEC. All Laurel VEC sessions are free, so you will not be asked to pay anything to take your exam(s). However, there will be an FCC processing fee for new licenses and renewals (and vanity call sign applications, but the VE team cannot help with those). There is no FCC processing fee for license renewals. You will be responsible for paying your fee directly to the FCC on line after taking your exam, and within 10 calendar days of being issued a file number.

  3. MMARC is not connected with the American Legion. The American Legion Post 175 very kindly provides us with a place to administer license exam sessions.

  4. The VEs you see working at the session want you to pass as much as you do.

    1. Remember that they are volunteers.

    2. By FCC rules, you must follow their instructions. The VE team is required to terminate the exam of anyone who does not follow a VE’s instructions.

  5. In most cases you will be at the exam session for about 1 ½ hours. It takes most people much less time than that to take an exam, but 1 ½ hours is about how long the entire process will take, including grading exams and processing paperwork.

  6. You will be directed to a check in table with a computer operator.

    1. Only person is allowed at this table at a time.

    2. The VE at the computer will obtain information from you that is needed to fill out and print a LARC-VEC Form 605. If you pre-registered, we will already have this information.

    3. You will be given a folder. Remember your folder number. You will need to write it on your exam answer sheet.

    4. A VE may assist you in obtaining an FRN if you do not have one, if time permits. It's best if you obtain your FRN ahead of time, and bring it with you to your exam session either printed on paper, or you can display it on an electronic device, such as your phone.

    5. When finished, do not return to this table during exams unless directed to do so by a VE.

  7. After finishing at the computer table you will proceed to the Registration and Document Inspection table. VEs here will check your government issued photo ID and other paperwork. When finished, do not return to this table during exams unless directed to do so by a VE

  8. Exams books and answer sheets will be distributed to the applicants at their seats.

    1. Technician and General exams each have 35 multiple choice questions. You pass if you get at least 26 correct, which is the same as not more than 9 wrong.

    2. Amateur Extra exams have 50 multiple choice questions. You pass if you get at least 37 correct, which is the same as not more than 13 wrong.

    3. You may be allowed to test again at the same session if you do not pass. This is at the discretion of the VEs based on how close you came to passing and time permitting.

    4. It is highly recommended that you only take exams you have prepared for. Taking exams you have not prepared for is usually not productive.

  9. Some exam questions may refer to a figure in your exam book. Not all exams have questions that refer to figures. If you have a question that does, you will find the figures in the back of the exam book.

  10. Large print versions of the exam books are available. Ask the VE who distributes the exam books for a large print version if you want one.

  11. Turn off cell phones, smartphones, and anything that can connect to the internet or make noise. Keep them out of sight. Phones may not be used as calculators.

  12. The exams are closed book. No books, notes, or any other materials are allowed to be used or in view.

  13. Once you open your exam book you must complete the test. If you leave your seat before you are finished, such as to use the restroom, we must grade your exam at that point.

  14. Do not write in the exam books. Use the back of your answer sheet for scratch paper.

  15. There is no talking during exams. At least 3 VEs will observe the exam session. Raise your hand to get the attention of one of them if you need assistance or to turn in your completed exam.

  16. When you receive your answer sheet, fill out the top.

    1. Use the folder number from your folder.

    2. Write the test number legibly and accurately, and in the top margin of the answer sheet if the space provided is too small. This is extremely important so that your exam is graded correctly.

  17. Use an "X" to indicate the answer you want.

    1. Do not circle the answers. Circled answers can look like they were skipped, and skipped answers are marked incorrect.

    2. If you need to change an answer, erase as cleanly as you can and select another by marking again with an “X”.

  18. If you have prepared for and are planning on taking more than one exam, tell the VE who picks up your completed exam if you want to go on to the next one right away or need a break.

  19. The grading and other paperwork done by the VEs takes time. Please be patient. How much time is needed depends on how many other exams the VEs are also processing. Do not go near the grading table or the computer. A VE will tell you your exam result when it is ready.

  20. After you turn in your exam and it is graded you will be told whether you passed. Please remain quietly in the exam room until you have been given your results.

  21. Do not leave without your personal papers, if you brought any, or your CSCE if you passed. Everyone who passes a test will get a CSCE, which is good for element credit for 365 days. Review your CSCE for accuracy before you leave.

  22. If you fail all of your exams you will not receive a CSCE and your LARC-VEC Form 605 will be returned to you. Do not leave without it.

  23. You may use your own calculator if nothing is stored or programmed in it.

    1. There can be nothing in the memories.

    2. You may not use smartphone or cell phone calculators.

    3. We have a small number of calculators you can borrow.

    4. Applicants are to demonstrate to the VE Observers prior to taking exams that their calculators do not have anything in the memories or programmed in them.

  24. When you pass your Technician exam at a Maryland Mobileers exam session you are eligible for a free 1-year club membership. Mentors are available to help you get started as an amateur radio operator. See David WB3IGW before you leave. If David is not there, ask any VE for information.

  25. Anyone who already has a license and is interested in learning about or joining the Maryland Mobileers should see David WB3IGW, or any other VE if David is not there, for information.