
Preregistration Information

v Mar 21 2022

You can expedite the registration process by emailing the information requested below to Mike at

Provide all items in either number 1 or 2:

1. Applicants who do not have call signs and plan to take their Technician exam:

        1. Last name, with suffix such as Jr or Sr if used

        2. First name

        3. Middle Initial if used

        4. Mailing address 2

        5. Daytime telephone number 3

        6. FCC Registration Number (FRN) including any leading zeros 4

        7. Email address 3

        8. Do you have a transaction pending with the FCC? If so, tell us what it is. 5

        9. Have you ever been convicted of a felony in any state or federal court? 6

        10. Are you going to apply for exam credit? Acceptable proof of exam credit is explained here.

        11. Which exam(s) do you plan to take (Technician, General, and/or Amateur Extra)?

2. Applicants with call signs planning to take their General or Amateur Extra exam:

  1. Call sign

  2. Email address 3

  3. Phone number 3

  4. Are you requesting a name or address change from what is in the FCC ULS database? 1 & 2

  5. Do you have a transaction pending with the FCC? If so, tell us what it is. 5

  6. Have you ever been convicted of a felony in any state or federal court? 6

  7. Are you going to apply for exam credit? Acceptable proof of exam credit is explained here.

  8. Which exam(s) do you plan to take (General, and/or Amateur Extra)?

.1 For name or address changes you must bring proof to the exam session. These are examples of name and address change proof that will be accepted:

Name change proof:

  • A document showing both your old and new name

  • A document showing your old name and a photo ID showing your new name

  • Marriage, divorce, and adoption certificates or decrees

  • Other documents may be acceptable, contact Mike at to verify

Address change proof:

  • Any document that indicates your new address such as a driver’s license or library card

  • Any document that indicates the applicant receives mail at the new address such as a tax bill, electric bill, or water bill

2 Mailing address is required by the FCC. PO boxes may be used.

3 The FCC requires email addresses. Phone numbers are optional, but important. They may be used by the VE Team to expedite processing if we have questions for you.

4 It is highly recommended that you obtain your FRN before the exam session. Bring a printout of it to the session or be able to display it on a smartphone or other device. An FRN can be obtained on the CORES web site. A Social Security Number and an email address are required to get an FRN. The VE Team can not obtain an FRN for you. If you need help, the VE Team may be able to assist you in obtaining one at your exam session if you have access to your email and time permits. Please do not send us your Social Security Number.

5 Some examples of pending transactions are new licenses, license upgrades, or vanity call sign requests that have not been processed yet. Bring the latest, unexpired Certificate of Successful Completion of Examination (CSCE) to the exam session if you have one and the license it indicates you are eligible for has not yet been granted by the FCC.

6 Applicants must answer yes or no to the felony question each time they:

  1. Apply for a new license

  2. Apply to upgrade a license class

  3. Request a systematic change of call sign

  4. Apply for a vanity call sign

  5. Renew their license.

Applicants do not have to answer the felony question if all they are doing is changing their mailing address, changing name, changing e-mail address, or phone number.

Answer "yes" to the felony question if any of the five items above apply, and any of the five items below apply to a felony in any state or federal court:

  1. Convicted

  2. Pardoned

  3. Had you record sealed

  4. Are under appeal

  5. Overturned

If you reply “yes” you will be able to take your exam(s), but you must provide an explanation to the FCC within 14 days of filing your application. More information can be viewed or downloaded below. Use the down arrows to the right to download. The "Instructions For Filing A Felony Conviction Explanation" document will be given to you at the exam session if you answered "yes".