2019 Invited Talk

January 30, 2019, 11:00 @ Y25-H-79

The Built Environment and Health Related Outcomes

Prof. Dr. Elaine Nsoesie, Boston University, USA

Prof. Dr. Elaine Nsoesie presented her talk entitled The Built Environment and Health Related Outcomes: “Where we live can have significant impact on our health and life expectancy. The built environment has been linked to several health related outcomes. This talk will cover studies on the use of image and text data to understand the association between the built environment and physical activity, obesity and crime.”

Prof. Dr. Nsoesie is an Assistant Professor at Department of Global Health at Boston University. She is also a BU Data Science Faculty Fellow, as part of the BU Data Science Initiative at the Hariri Institute for Computing. Dr. Nsoesie applies data science methodologies to global health problems, using digital data and technology to improve health, particularly in the realm of surveillance of chronic and infectious diseases. She completed her PhD in Computational Epidemiology from the Genetics, Bioinformatics and Computational Biology program at Virginia Tech. She also have an MS in Statistics and a BS in Mathematics. She has published extensively in epidemiology and public health journals.

More information about her research interests and activities is available on her personal website: Website | Twitter