
Note: All the following funding is Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research<KAKENHI>, which are competitive research funds administered by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science and subsidized by the Government of Japan.

April 2023–March 2028

Research project: Comparative International Research on Rebuilding the Lives of Survivors of Conflict Related Sexual Violence in Post-Conflict Settings

Project/Area Number: 23K11692

Research Category: Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)

Allocation Type: Multi-year Fund

Review Section: Basic Section 80030 Gender studies-related

Research Institution: Meisei University

Budget Amount: ¥4,030,000 (approximately $26826)

Outline of Final Research Achievements:

In this study, I uncovered that the care activities aimed at restoring the dignity of 'comfort women' survivors, carried out by their supporters, highlight the need for long-term care for rape survivors, which has been overlooked in previous security studies. Additionally, I argued that the effectiveness of these care activities in restoring the survivors' dignity is contingent upon power dynamics related to gender, sexuality, ethnicity, religion, and the global economic structure that encompasses the survivors. It is crucial to pay careful attention to the power dynamics between survivors and supporters in order to consider how care is provided to survivors.

April 2019–March 2023

Research project: A new security study from an ethics of care perspective: focusing on wartime rape

Project/Area Number: 19K20581

Research Category: Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists

Allocation Type: Multi-year Fund

Review Section: Basic Section 80030 Gender studies-related

Research Institution: Meisei University

Budget Amount: ¥4,680,000 (approximately $31153)

Outline of Research at the Start:

The purpose of this research is to elucidate how female survivors of Conflict-Related Sexual Violence (hereinafter referred to as CRSV) can reconstruct their lives after conflict. The research focuses on three cases: 1) "Comfort Women" of the Japanese military during the Asia-Pacific War, 2) large-scale CRSV occurring during the Bosnia and Herzegovina conflict, and 3) CRSV during the Rwandan conflict.

April 2015–March 2019

Research project: Study on the global governance of security from a gender perspective

Project/Area Number: 15K16594

Research Category: Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)

Allocation Type: Multi-year Fund

Research Field: Gender

Research Institution: Ochanomizu University

Budget Amount: ¥3,640,000 (approximately $31665)

Outline of Final Research Achievements:

This study analyzed the process of global governance on the sexual violence against women in conflict which has been overlooked, focusing on the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 (UNSCR 1325) adopted in 2000. The resolution aims to put an end to the sexual violence against women in conflict. But as a result of this study, it was clarified that the resolution has the risk being justified of military intervention in others on the grounds of “protection of women”. Furthermore, the drafting process of the Japan’s National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security to implement the UNSCR 1325 showed that the influence of the resolution had limited effects on the sexual violence happened in the past like the military sexual slavery by the Imperial Japanese Army during World War Ⅱ.