Skills, Beliefs & Behaviors

Cognitive: References

Key references:

Retrieval, spaced and interleave practice:

Roediger, H. L., & Butler, A. C. (2011). The critical role of retrieval practice in long-term retention. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 15(1), 20–27. DOI


Chiu, J.L. & Chi, M.T.H. (2014). Supporting self-explanation in the classroom. In V. A. Benassi, C. E. Overson, & C. M. Hakala (Eds.). Applying science of learning in education: Infusing psychological science into the curriculum. HTTP

Worked examples:

Renkl, A. (2014). Learning from worked examples: How to prepare students for meaningful problem solving. In V. A. Benassi, C. E. Overson, & C. M. Hakala (Eds.). Applying science of learning in education: Infusing psychological science into the curriculum. HTTP

Additional references:

Aleven, V. A. W. M. M., & Koedinger, K. R. (2002). An effective metacognitive strategy: learning by doing and explaining with a computer‐based Cognitive Tutor. Cognitive Science, 26(2), 147–179.

Atkinson, R. K., Renkl, A., & Merrill, M. M. (2003). Transitioning From Studying Examples to Solving Problems: Effects of Self-Explanation Prompts and Fading Worked-Out Steps. Journal of Educational Psychology, 95(4), 774–783.

Booth, J. L., Cooper, L. A., Donovan, M. S., Huyghe, A., Koedinger, K. R., & Paré-Blagoev, E. J. (2015). Design-Based Research Within the Constraints of Practice: AlgebraByExample. Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk, 20(1-2), 79–100.

Booth, J. L., Lange, K. E., Koedinger, K. R., & Newton, K. J. (2013). Using example problems to improve student learning in algebra: Differentiating between correct and incorrect examples. Learning and Instruction, 25, 24–34.

Brown, P. C., Roediger, H. L., & McDaniel, M. A. (2014). Make It Stick. Harvard University Press.

Chi, M. T. H., & VanLehn, K. A. (1991). The Content of Physics Self-Explanations. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 1(1), 69–105.

Chi, M., Bassok, M., Lewis, M. W., Reimann, P., & Glaser, R. (1989). Self-explanations: How students study and use examples in learning to solve problems. Cognitive Science, 13(2), 145–182.

Durkin, K., & Rittle-Johnson, B. (2012). The effectiveness of using incorrect examples to support learning about decimal magnitude. Learning and Instruction, 22(3), 206–214.

Freeman, S., Haak, D., & Wenderoth, M. P. (2011). Increased course structure improves performance in introductory biology., 10(2), 175–186.

Hsu, C.-Y., & Tsai, C.-C. (2011). Investigating the Impact of Integrating Self-explanation into an Educational Game: A Pilot Study. In Edutainment Technologies. Educational Games and Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality Applications (Vol. 6872, pp. 250–254). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

King, A. (1994). Guiding Knowledge Construction in the Classroom: Effects of Teaching Children How to Question and How to Explain. American Educational Research Journal, 31(2), 338.

Lawrence, N.K. (2013). Cumulative exams in the introductory psychology course. Teaching of Psychology, 40(1), 15-19.

Mayer, R. E., Dow, G. T., & Mayer, S. (2003). Multimedia Learning in an Interactive Self-Explaining Environment: What Works in the Design of Agent-Based Microworlds? Journal of Educational Psychology, 95(4), 806–813.

Pashler, H., Bain, P., Bottge, B., Graesser, A., Koedinger, K., McDaniel, M., & Metcalfe, J. (2007). Organizing instruction and study to improve student learning (NCER 2007-2004). Washington, D.C.: National Center for Education Research, Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education. Retrieved from

Renkl, A., Stark, R., Gruber, H., & Mandl, H. (1998). Learning from Worked-Out Examples: The Effects of Example Variability and Elicited Self-Explanations. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 23(1), 90–108.

Rittle-Johnson, B., Star, J. R., & Durkin, K. (2009). The importance of prior knowledge when comparing examples: Influences on conceptual and procedural knowledge of equation solving. Journal of Educational Psychology, 101(4), 836–852.

Scheiter, K., Schüler, A., Gerjets, P., Huk, T., & Hesse, F. W. (2014). Extending multimedia research: How do prerequisite knowledge and reading comprehension affect learning from text and pictures. Computers in Human Behavior (), 31, 73–84.

Siegler, R. S., & Chen, Z. (2008). Differentiation and integration: guiding principles for analyzing cognitive change. Developmental Science, 11(4), 433–448.

Wylie, R., & Chi, M. T. H. (2014). The self-explanation principle in multimedia learning. In R. Mayer (Ed.), The Cambridge Handbook of Multimedia Learning (2nd ed., pp. 413–432). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.