High-Impact Practice

Writing-Intensive Courses: References

Anderson, P., Anson, C., Gonyea, R., & Paine, C. (2015). The Contributions of Writing to Learning and Development: Results from a Large-Scale Multi-institutional Study. Research in the Teaching of English, 50(2), 199.

Carroll, L. (2002). Rehearsing New Roles: How College Students Develop as Writers. Carbondale and Edwardsville: Southern Illinois University Press.

Hansen, K., Reeve, S., Gonzalez, J., Sudweeks, R., Hatch, G., Esplin, P., & Bradshaw, W. (2006). Are Advanced Placement English and First-Year College Composition Equivalent? A Comparison of Outcomes in the Writing of Three Groups of Sophomore College Students. Research in the Teaching of English, 40(4), 461–501.

Hirsch, P., Shwom, B., Yarnoff, C., Anderson, J., Kelso, D., Olson, G., & Colgate, J. (2001). Engineering Design and Communication: The Case for Interdisciplinary Collaboration. International Journal of Engineering Education, 17(4), 342.

National Council of Teachers of English. (2013). First-Year Writing: What Good Does it Do? (Policy Research Brief).

Sommers, N., & Saltz, L. (2004). The Novice as Expert: Writing the Freshman Year. College Composition and Communication, 56(1), 124–149.