High-Impact Practice

Internships: References

Gallup-Purdue. (2015). Great Jobs, Great Lives. The Relationship Between Student Debt, Experiences and Perceptions of College Worth.

Gallup-Purdue. (2016). Great Jobs. Great Lives. The Value of Career Services, Inclusive Experiences and Mentorship for College Graduates (Great Jobs. Great Lives.).

Gardner, P. (2010). The Debate Over Unpaid College Internships. Intern Bridge, Inc.

Thiry, Laursen, & Hunter. (2016). What Experiences Help Students Become Scientists? A Comparative Study of Research and other Sources of Personal and Professional Gains for STEM Undergraduates. The Journal of Higher Education, 82(4), 357–388. https://doi.org/10.1080/00221546.2011.11777209

Townsley, E., Lierman, L., Watermill, J., & Rousseau, D. (2017). The Impact of Undergraduate Internships on Post-Graduate Outcomes for the Liberal Arts. NACE Center for Career Development and Talent Acquisition.