About Me

About Me

I am currently completing my Master of Education in the Curriculum, Teaching and Learning Department of OISE. While finishing my degree, I work as a supply teacher for the York Catholic and Toronto Catholic District School Boards. I have a Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education from Queen’s University with teachable subjects in History and English. I hope to begin teaching in LTO positions this coming Fall season. With my Masters of Education, I hope to pursue a career at the board level in curriculum development.

My interest in learning sparked early on in my elementary education. Consumed with my classes, I enjoyed attending school, participating in class and learning from my teachers and my peers. My fixation on doing well in school, an uncommon interest in my friends, did not go unnoticed by many of my teachers throughout my schooling. I genuinely enjoyed asking questions about upcoming units, new assignments, earning me labels such as “keener”. This interest only grew as I did, ultimately becoming my inspiration to become an educator. The support and encouragement I received from my educators contributed to my confidence in narrowing down a career in education. The ability to assist student’s achievement, to help in providing an accurate and beneficial education, and to supporting learners through their journey contributed to my desire to apply to become an OCT.

When I am not teaching, you can find me doing yoga or in the garden. I find these activities assist in clearing my mind after a long day and provide a mental break for me. I spend much of my extra time outdoors, at the lake or playing sports. Staying active is an important part of my mental health and keeps me healthy. In addition, as an artist, I spend much of my time drawing and painting, specifically as a form of reflection.

Flower inspired by Georgia O'Keefe - Water Colour

Kayaking on Lake Simcoe

Portrait of my Grandmother - Graphite

Hiking Trail in Redwood California