
I get to explore Spain and continue my student teaching experience with my three best friends from the teaching program. We will all live in the same apartment and student teach at the same school in Barcelona!

Week 1

Our first day at School

Views from the terrace at the school

The beach in Nice, France

St. Nicholas Orthodox Church

Savannah and I

The beautiful view from Castle Hill

While in France on Sunday, we tried to go to the top of Castle Hill to get a view of the city. Also, there is a waterfall on the top of the hill that is pretty. However, Castle Hill was closed because of the rain. We were able to climb up a small part of the stairs to get a little better view which was worth it. Along the way to Castle Hill, we met some other college students that are studying abroad from Canada. Stephanie was studying French and is spending the year in Nice. Nathan is doing an internship in another country, but he came to visit his high school friend, Stephanie, for the weekend. We took some great pictures and went to get Gelato with these new friends. It definitely made the trip so much nicer!

The view from our Airbnb in Nice, France. It was absolutely beautiful.

The four of us at the beach after a down pour of rain.

There is a restaurant beside our apartment in Spain called Cocovail, and we love it. The staff is amazing, and it is American style food. On Thanksgiving, they sold armbands for people to buy. Only those with an armband were allowed to come in to eat and celebrate Thanksgiving. They had an all-you-can-eat buffet of all the Thanksgiving fixins'. They had turkey, gravy, stuffing, green beans, cornbread, mashed potatoes, and even pumpkin pie. We went straight there after school on Thanksgiving Day, and we celebrated with others that were visiting from America, or who used to live in America. It was so cool. We felt right at home, and it helped us get over being sad about missing our family Thanksgiving festivities.