Our Team

This Mission 4.7 platform has been developed by members of the Mission 4.7 Secretariat from the 

Center for Sustainable Development at the Earth Institute, Columbia University.

Radhika Iyengar, PhD

Director of Education

Center for Sustainable Development

The Earth Institute, Columbia University

Tara Stafford Ocansey

Senior Education Technology Specialist

Center for Sustainable Development

The Earth Institute, Columbia University

Haein Shin

Senior Education Technical Advisor

Center for Sustainable Development

The Earth Institute, Columbia University

Jesse Thorson

Special Project Coordinator

Center for Sustainable Development

The Earth Institute, Columbia University

Juliana Bartels

Special Assistant to the Director

Center for Sustainable Development

The Earth Institute, Columbia University

Savannah Grace Pearson

Assistant to the Director

Center for Sustainable Development

The Earth Institute, Columbia University

Content Contributors & Advisors

Dr. Felisa Tibbits

Chair in Human Rights Education, Department of Law, Economics and Governance at Utrecht University and Lecturer, International Education Development Program, Teachers College, Columbia University

Michael Heinz

Science Coordinator

Office of Standards

Division of Teaching and Learning Services

New Jersey Department of Education

Preeti Puri

Teacher Educator & Guidance Counselor

Bluebells School International in Delhi, India

Joshua DeVincenzo

Senior Instructional Designer and Project Coordinator 

Columbia University’s National Center for Disaster Preparedness.

Oren Pizmony-Levy

Associate Professor, Comparative & International Education

Teachers College, Columbia University