Educating for Transformative Learning

Educators - including classroom teachers, teacher educators, non-formal educators, and informal community educators - play key roles in facilitating their learners to understand and embrace their roles as agents of change. While enabling policy and curriculum are key to empowering educators to make the most of their important roles in transforming education, educators can start from wherever they are to help transform education through their pedagogy and ways of facilitating their learning environments, identifying opportunities in existing curriculum to teach about the SDGs and encourage learners to take action.

The guiding questions below will help you find the content that will be most relevant to your interests and needs in enhancing your practice to facilitate transformative education for addressing sustainable development challenges through learner empowerment and action.

How can I design lessons that integrate transformative education content and align to my curriculum ?

While system-wide adoption of education policies that infuse transformative education content and approaches across curriculum and teacher support strategies has the most potential for impact at scale, for teachers who do not teach in areas where such approaches are being considered or taken, teachers can develop their own curriculum-aligned lessons that create action-oriented learning opportunities to address the SDGs. 

The resource page linked below offers tips for making your own curriculum connections, as well as links to online libraries with ready-to-use lesson plans and resources.

What are Mission 4.7's learning expectations for transformative education?

In order to achieve SDG Target 4.7, the learning areas outlined in SDG 4.7 must be translated to specific competencies that educators can design curriculum and learning experiences around. The below drop-down sections present a proposed set of Learning Expectations by grade band that are designed to promote SDG 4.7 knowledge, attitudes, and skills while aligning to common standards in core subjects. 

To learn more about the methodology behind these Learning Expectations, visit our Learning Expectations page.


Lower Primary

Cognitive Learning Expectations

Social-Emotional Learning Expectations

Behavioral Learning Expectations

Upper Primary

Cognitive Learning Expectations

The Learner is able to...

Social-Emotional Learning Expectations

The Learner is able to...

Behavioral Learning Expectations

The Learner is able to...

Lower Secondary

Cognitive Learning Expectations

The Learner is able to...

Social-Emotional Learning Expectations

The Learner will be able to...

Behavioral Learning Expectations

This Learner is able to...

Upper Secondary

Cognitive Learning Expectations

The Learner is able to...

Social-Emotional Learning Expectations

The Learner is able to...

Behavioral Learning Expectations

The Learner is able to...

How can I find pedagogical approaches and tips that will work for my learning context?

Whether you teach in a well-resourced urban classroom, a large rural class with inadequate teaching aids, or in a non-formal setting, our Teacher Pedagogy and Professional Development page will walk you through various pedagogical approaches and tips for how they can be applied in various settings to help educators implement transformative education in ways that work for your context.

CALL: Participate in a Summer Program 2023

2023 Summer Eco Ambassador Program:

My Age of Sustainable Development for COP 28

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