Women in Subnational Politics Workshop

Tulane University is hosting a workshop on women in subnational politics. The workshop will take place midday on February 22 to the end of the day on February 23 at Tulane University in New Orleans, LA.

There are no registration fees. Lunch on Saturday will be provided, as will a dinner for participants on Friday night.

Conference Schedule:

Women in Subnational Politics Workshop

Hosted by the Newcomb College Institute at Tulane University, The Reilly Center for Media and Public Affairs at Louisiana State University, and the Tulane University Political Science Department

Organizers: Mirya R. Holman, Anna Mahoney, Tiffany Barnes, and Nichole Bauer

Extraordinaire Assistant: Jessica Hinchey, Tulane University

Schedule: All events will be held at the Anna Many Lounge in the Caroline Richardson Building

Friday, February 22, 2019:

1:30-1:45pm: Welcome and info


Paper: The Way She Represents: Women of Color and Their Approach to Representation

Authors: Nichole Bauer, LSU

Discussant: Anna Mahoney, Tulane


Paper: Passive-to-Passive Representation: Intersectionality, Gender Identity, and Representative Bureaucracy

Author: Kendall Funk, Arizona State University

Discussant: Melissa Marshall, Rice University

Break: 3:20-3:40

3:35-4 Reilly Center for Media and Public Affairs discussion, Jenee Slocum


Paper: The Gendered Dynamics of Working Class Representation: Evidence from Germany

Authors: Yann Kerevel, LSU and Austin S. Matthews, University of Denver

Discussant: Jonathan Homola, Rice University


Paper: Networking to Office: The Social Network of Women Candidate Groups

Rebecca Kreitzer, UNC and Abby Matthews, Miami University of Ohio

Discussant: Tiffany Barnes, University of Kentucky


Dinner and drinks

Saturday, February 23, 2019:

8:30-9: Snacks and coffee


Paper: Cueless in New Orleans: ‘Correct’ voting in a low-information election

Authors: Mirya R. Holman, Tulane University and J. Celeste Lay, Tulane University

Discussant: Heather Ondercin, Wichita State University


Paper: Voting for Valérie: Gender and the Election of Montreal's First Woman Mayor

Authors: Erin Tolley, University of Toronto and Mirelle Paquet, Concordia University

Discussant: Nichole Bauer, LSU

10:35-10:45: break


Paper: Surveying Women Candidate Groups in the States: Initial Results

Authors: Tracy Osborn, University of Iowa and Rebecca Kreitzer, UNC

Discussant: Jessica Preece, BYU

11:30-12:30 Lunch (generously sponsored by LSU's Reilly Center)


Paper: Her Mayorship: The Role of Gender in Mayoral Elections

Natasha Altema McNeely, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Discussant: Celeste Lay, Tulane University


Paper: The Supply and Success of Female Candidates in Turkish Local Politics

Authors: Melissa Marschall, Rice University and Marwa Shalaby

Discussant: Yann Kerevel, LSU

2:00-2:15: Break


Paper: Cosponsorship Networks: How Race and Gender Influence Legislative Success

Author: Hannah McVeigh, University of Minnesota

Discussant: Tracy Osborn, University of Iowa


Paper: A Bird's Eye View of Gendered Political Pipeline: Personality, Political Ambition, and Elections

Author: Jessica Preece, BYU

Discussant: Mirya R Holman, Tulane University


Closing remarks

Afterward – Mardi Gras parades! Go have fun!