Women in Politics in the American City
Holman, Mirya R. 2015. Women in Politics in the American City. Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press.
Available from Temple University Press or on
How do female municipal leaders influence policymaking in American cities? Can gender determine who gets a say in local politics or what programs cities fund? These are some of the questions raised and answered in Mirya Holman's provocative Women in Politics in the American City.
This book provides the first comprehensive evaluation of the influence of gender on the behavior of mayors and city council members in the United States. Holman considers the effects of gender in local, urban politics and analyzes how a leader's gender does-and does not-influence policy preferences, processes, behavior, and outcomes.
Good Reasons to Run
Shames, Shauna, Rachel Bernhard, Mirya R. Holman, and Dawn Teele. 2020. Good Reasons to Run. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
Available from Temple University Press, Amazon, or Powells
After the 2016 U.S. Presidential election, a large cohort of women emerged to run for office. Their efforts changed the landscape of candidates and representation. However, women are still far less likely than men to seek elective office, and face biases and obstacles in campaigns.
In this edited volume, Shauna Shames, Rachel Bernhard, Dawn Teele and I assembled a wide set of contributors to consider the reasons why women run—and do not run—for political office.
The essays in Good Reasons to Run ask not just who wants to run, but how to activate and encourage such ambition among a larger population of potential female candidates while also increasing the diversity of women running for office.
The Power of the Badge
Farris, Emily M and Mirya R Holman. 2024. The Power of the Badge Sheriffs and Inequality in the United States. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Available from Chicago University Press or Amazon
Across the United States, more than 3,000 sheriffs occupy a unique position in the US political and legal systems. Elected by voters—usually in low-visibility, noncompetitive elections—sheriffs oversee more than a third of law enforcement employees and control almost all local jails. They have the power to both set and administer policies, and they can imprison, harm, and even kill members of their communities. Yet, they enjoy a degree of autonomy not seen by other political officeholders.
The Power of the Badge offers an unprecedented, data-rich look into the politics of the office and its effects on local communities. Emily M. Farris and Mirya R. Holman draw on two surveys of sheriffs taken nearly a decade apart, as well as election data, case studies, and administrative data to show how a volatile combination of authority and autonomy has created an environment where sheriffs rarely change; elections seldom create meaningful accountability; employees, budgets, and jails can be used for political gains; marginalized populations can be punished; and reforms fail. Farris and Holman also track the increasingly close linkages between sheriffs and right-wing radical groups in an era of high partisanship and intra-federal conflict.
Gendered Jobs and Local Leaders
Bernhard, Rachel and Mirya R Holman. Gendered Jobs and Local Leaders: Women, Work, and the Pipeline to Local Political Office. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Elements Series.
Available from Cambridge University Press, January 2025
Men from business are overrepresented in local politics in the United States. We propose a theory of gendered occupations and ambition: the jobs people hold---and the gender composition of those jobs---shape political ambition and candidate success. We test our theory using data on gender and jobs, candidacy and electoral outcomes from thousands of elections in California, and experimental data on voter attitudes. We find that occupational gendered segregation is a powerful source of women's underrepresentation in politics. Women from feminine careers run for office far less than men. Offices also shape ambition, such that candidates with feminine occupations run for school board, not mayor or sheriff. In turn, people see the offices that women run for as feminine and less prestigious. Our work provides a rich picture of the pipeline to office, the ways this favours men, and how occupational gender segregation limits women's access to political power.
The Hidden Face of Local Power
Holman, Mirya R. The Hidden Face of Local Power: Local Appointed Boards and the Limits of Democracy. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
Available from Temple University Press
Develops a framework for understanding how cities use appointed boards and commissions, and what this means for local democracy.
The Hidden Face of Local Power explicates the purpose, role, and consequences of appointed boards in U.S. cities. Mirya Holman finds cities create strong boards that generate policy, consolidate power, and defend the interests of businesses and wealthy and white residents. In contrast, weak boards pacify agitation from marginalized groups to give the appearance of inclusivity, democratic deliberation, and redistributional policymaking. Cities preserve this strong board/weak board dichotomy through policymaking power, institutional design, and by controlling who serves on the boards.
The Hidden Face of Local Power examines the role of boards in the development of urban political institutions, the allocation of power in local politics, and the persistence of inequality. Holman enhances our understanding of how political institutions have contributed to racism and their impact on how people use and live in urban spaces. In her shrewd analysis of the creation and use of boards as political institutions, Holman proves that neither weak or strong boards achieves the goal they are advertised to achieve. In doing so, she provides a new view of the failures of local democracy along with ideas for improvement.