Published Research

My research can be found on my Google Citations page or my page. I'd be delighted to share copies of any research listed below - just email me! All my publications are listed chronically on my Curriculum Vitae. All photos are my own.

Select areas of research

Gender stereotypes

  • Holman, Mirya R., Jennifer Merolla, and Elizabeth Zechmeister. “The Curious Case of Theresa May and the Public that Did Not Rally: Gendered Reactions to Terrorist Attacks can Cause Slumps Not Bumps.” American Political Science Review OnlineFirst. 10.1017/S0003055421000861

  • Cassese, Erin and Mirya R. Holman. 2018. “Party and Gender Stereotypes in Campaign Attacks.” Political Behavior 40(3): 785–807.

  • Holman, Mirya R., Jennifer Merolla, and Elizabeth Zechmeister. 2017. “Can Experience Overcome Stereotypes in Times of Terror Threat?Research & Politics

Local Leadership

  • Holman, Mirya R. 2015. Women in Politics in the American City. Temple University Press.

  • Holman, Mirya R. 2017. “Women in Local Government: What We Know and Where We Go From Here.” State and Local Government Review 49(4): 285-296.

  • Farris, Emily and Mirya R. Holman. 2017. “All Politics is Local: The American Sheriff and Immigration Attitudes, Policies, and Enforcement at the Local Level.” Political Research Quarterly 70(1) 142–154.

  • Holman, Mirya R. 2014. “Sex and the City: Female Leaders and Spending on Social Welfare Programs in U.S. Municipalities.” Journal of Urban Affairs 36(4): 701-715.

Views of Climate Change

  • Benegal, Salil, and Mirya R. Holman. “Understanding the importance of sexism in shaping climate denial and policy opposition.” Climatic Change 10.1007/s10584-021-03193-y

  • Benegal, Salil, and Mirya R Holman. “Racial prejudice, education, and views of climate change.Social Science Quarterly OnlineFirst 10.1111/ssqu.13004

  • Coan, Travis and Mirya R. Holman. 2008. “Voting Green.” Social Science Quarterly 89(5): 1121-1135.

Political Communication

  • Boussalis, Constantine, Travis Coan, Mirya R. Holman, and Stefan Müller. “Gender, Candidate Emotional Expression, and Voter Reactions During Televised Debates.American Political Science Review OnlineFirst 10.1017/S0003055421000666

  • Holman, Mirya R. and Monica C. Schneider. 2018. “Gender, race, and political ambition: How intersectionality and frames influence interest in political office.” Politics, Groups & Identities 6(2): 268-280.

  • Boussalis, Constantine, Travis Coan, and Mirya R. Holman. 2019. “Communicating Climate Mitigation and Adaptation Efforts in American Cities.” Climate 7(3) 45-57; 10.3390/cli7030045

Political geography of policy

  • Bromley-Trujillo, Rebecca, Mirya R. Holman, and Andres Sandoval. 2019. “Hot Districts, Cool Legislation: Evaluating Agenda Setting in Climate Change Bill Sponsorship in U.S. States.” State Politics and Policy Quarterly. 19(3) 375-395.

  • Boussalis, Constantine, Travis G. Coan, and Mirya Holman. 2018. “Climatic Communication from Cities in the United States.” Climatic Change 149(2): 173–187.

  • Dancy, Geoff, Mirya R. Holman, and Kayden McKenzie. “The Origins of Gun Policy in U.S. States.” Washington University Saint Louis Law Review, Forthcoming

Governing bodies & Diversity

  • Barnes, Tiffany, and Mirya R. Holman. “Gender Quotas, Women's Representation, and Legislative Diversity.” Journal of Politics. Forthcoming.

  • Barnes, Tiffany and Mirya R. Holman. 2018. “Taking diverse backgrounds into account in studies of political ambition and representation.” Politics, Groups and Identities.

  • Holman, Mirya R. 2016. “The differential effect of resources on political participation across gender and racial groups.” Distinct Identities. Sarah Gershon and Nadia Brown, eds., Palgrave Press.