Learning from Elders

We are grateful to our Elders

Nitsiko'tahsi'taki to the many Elders who generously shared their time and knowledge. Click here to see our team of Elders.

Why involving Elders in education is important

Elders provide spiritual guidance, offer insightful and informed teachings, and advise on Blackfoot ways of knowing. Their expertise is rooted in years of knowledge-building in Blackfoot ways, and in their lived experiences. Their offerings must be prioritized in our teaching.

Guidance on engaging with Elders

There are many different models for how to respectfully and appropriately engage with Elders in education.

In this project, we worked with the Indigenous staff in our schools to identify our community's connections with Elders and Knowledge Keepers. We built on these existing relationships and relied on our Indigenous staff to support locally-developed protocols that honour Blackfoot ways of knowing and being.

We provided Elders with honoraria and other gifts as a way to express our gratitude for their time and the knowledge that was shared.

We continued to foster good relationships with our Elders over time, and these relationships led to increased confidence and comfort amongst our group. We were able to develop our own collective sense of knowing and doing, and we created a safe space for knowledge-sharing. This is evidenced throughout our resource; the Elders' teachings inform all that we do. We continue to strengthen these connections by nurturing our relationships with the Elders.

As noted above, there are many different models for engaging with Elders. Below are a few helpful links: