
Thanks to a grant from the Department of Canadian Heritage Indigenous Languages Component, we are embarking on the next leg of our journey. This grant provides funding for language learning activities and resource development in 2024/25, as well the creation of a 10-year language plan for Lethbridge families. A summary of each is below.

We launched the project in February 2024 with a gathering of Elders, Knowledge Keepers, and educators. Please read more about our valued contributors here.

Language learning activities for 2024/25

Family nights - with students from Red Crow College

Stay tuned for info! We are planning to organize and host more activities such as:

Language learning resources

Dialogues and conversations

We also plan to develop resources such as:

10-year language plan

The 10-year plan allows us to articulate a vision and goals to ensure a bright and vital future for the language, with a focus on creating language learning pathways for today's youth. Our planning process is rooted in inclusivity and collaboration, and we will be engaging with Elders, Knowledge Keepers, educators, and most importantly Lethbridge families to develop the plan.