Aakohkanaokamo'tohkomio’pa Game


Aakohkanaokamo'tohkomio’pa is the name our group gave to what is known in English as the Hoop and Arrow Game. The word directly translates as "we will all shoot straight," as follows:




Here is a video explaining the game. Additional information can be found here .

This game is best suited for older children who have already developed a strong sense of coordination.


  • Patience

  • Accuracy

  • Hand-eye coordination

  • Social cohesion (rules and protocol)


  • Napi stories

  • Stories about the Blackfoot buffalo hunt

    • Preparation

    • Accuracy (spearing & endurance)

  • Other stories about rites of passage

    • Maturity - when the young boys become men


Words and Phrases

Imperative verbs

  • Ikskimaat! - 'Hunt!' (imperative form to start the game)

  • Ikskimaak! - 'Hunt!' (directing more than one person)

  • Míístaapiksit! - 'Throw it away!'

  • Okská'sit! - 'Run!'

  • Stámokamo'tahkomit! - 'Just shoot straight!'

Other verb forms

  • ááwooka’pssiwa - 's/he is independent'

  • okamo’ta’pii - 'be straight, be true'


  • apssi - 'arrow'

  • otiskinako - 'hoop'

  • pokón - 'ball'

  • otsipiiis - 'willow'

  • okonok - 'saskatoon'


  • sopoya'p- 'carefully, meticulously'

Language Learning Opportunities


  • Students can make their own arrows

Adapting across Divisions

Division 1 (Pre K - grade 3)

  • Lots of repetition

  • Body movements, actions, facial expressions

  • Use a pool Noodle and hula hoop or ball cardboard rolls for wrapping paper for arrows

Division 2 (Grades 4 through 6)

  • Lots of repetition, introduce new vocabulary

  • Body movements, actions, facial expressions

  • Use a hoop wrapped in leather and willow sticks or dowels

Division 3 (Grades 7 through 9)

  • Introduce new vocabulary

  • Use traditional size and supplies but can adapt to all abilities

Division 4 (Grades 10 through 12)

  • Introduce new vocabulary

  • Students learn commands and rules of the game, practice full sentences

  • Traditional size and supplies but can adapt to all abilities