There are some tax returns that we cannot assist you with

Although our tax counselors are trained to do the vast majority of tax returns, some taxpayers have situations that we are not trained to handle in a way that is most advantageous to you.  If you have any of these situations, they are considered out-of-scope for us and we will not be able to prepare your tax return, even if this site has done so in the past. If you have a question about whether your return is out-of-scope, ask a volunteer so that you do not have an unnecessary wait. Please do not ask that a volunteer make an exception in your case. 

Below is a comprehensive list of returns that we are unable to do.  Click on the box with the arrow, in the upper right-hand corner, to enlarge the list and print it. The most common out-of-scope situations are as follows:

AARP OOS.docx.pdf