Wisconisn Homestead Credit

The homestead credit program is designed to soften the impact of property taxes and rent on persons with lower incomes. The credit may reduce the amount of state income tax you owe. Any amount in excess of the tax you owe is payable to you as a refund. 

 Qualifications - You may be able to claim homestead credit if: 

• You occupied and owned or rented during the year a home, apartment, or other dwelling that is subject to Wisconsin property taxes.

• You are a legal resident of Wisconsin for the ENTIRE year. 

• You are 18 years of age or older at the end of the year. 

• Your household income was less than $24,680.

Requirements if you are under 62 years of age 

• You cannot be claimed as a dependent for the year on someone else's federal income tax return. (Note: This qualification does not apply if you are 62 years of age or older at the end of the year.) 

• You (and your spouse, if married) will not claim farmland preservation credit for the same year, or the veterans and surviving spouse’s property tax credit based on the same property taxes. 

 If you qualify for a homestead credit, we will prepare your homestead credit claim for you. In order to do so, you must provide us with a copy of your property tax bill for the tax year, or a rent certificate which is completed and signed by your landlord. There is a link above to a rent certificate, with instructions for filling it out.

For a more comprehensive explanation of the Homestead Credit and how to claim it, please refer to the Wisconsin Department of Revenue homestead page here.