Mikołaj Frączyk

I'm an associate professor of mathematics at the Jagiellonian University,  Krakow, Poland. I spent 2020-2023 as a Dickson Instructor at the University of Chicago, 2019-2020 at IAS Princeton and 2017-2019 at the Renyi Institute in Budapest. I got my PhD in 2017 in Orsay  under the supervision of Emmanuel Breuillard. 

Here is  my CV.

Starting from September 2023 I'm running the Dioscuri Centre "Random Walks in Geometry and Topology" at the Jagiellonian University (Cracow, Poland) (announcement). We are running a weekly seminar "Groups, dynamics & topology" and a monthly seminar in Automorphic Forms and Number Theory (alternating between Jagiellonian University  and Adam Mickiewcz University in Poznań)

I'm interested in locally symmetric spaces, measured group theory, homogeneous dynamics and analytic number theory. For more information check out the research page.

e-mail: mikolaj.fraczyk@uj.edu.pl

office: Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, 0147

pronouns: he/him