Mihaela Girtan


Associate Prof. Dr. Hab. in Physics,  Coordinator of the research activity Thin films for plastic electronics and photovoltaic applications

Employment and professional experience

Since 2010 - Head of the group “Thin films for photovoltaic applications”, LPHIA Laboratory, Angers

2006-2010 - Head of the group “Thin films for photovoltaic applications”, POMA Laboratory, Angers

Since 2005  - Associate Professor at Angers University

2004-2005  - Temporally Attached Professor at ENSAM Engineering School, Angers

1995-2005  -  Assistant Professor then Lecturer at Al.I.Cuza University of Iasi

2018 - Visiting Associate Professor, 17-24 Aug., Uppsala University

2018 - Visiting Associate Professor, 9-16 June, 5-10 Nov., DIT, Dublin

2017 - Visiting Associate Professor,  28 Oct.-02 Nov., Vilnius University

2015 - Visiting Associate Professor,  29 Aug-2 Sept., Bucarest University

2014 - Visiting Associate Professor, 25 Oct. - 01 Nov., University of Athens

2014 - Visiting Associate Professor, 3-9 Mar., University College Dublin

2013 - Visiting Associate Professor, 19-30 Oct., University of Athens

2012 - Visiting Associate Professor, 14-27 Aug., National Hellenic Foundation, Athens

2010 - Visiting Associate Professor, 27 Jul. – 15 Aug., Nat. Inst. of Materials Physics, Bucharest

2010 - Visiting Associate Professor, 25-29 Oct., Limoges University

2009 - Visiting Associate Professor, 30 Jul. – 30 Aug., Nat. Inst.of Materials Physics, Bucharest

1999 - Visiting Research Fellow (1 month) ENSAM Engineering School, Angers



2009 - Habilitation in Thin films for solar cells and plastic electronics. Devices, Angers University

2003-2004  - Postdoctoral Research Fellow, LPMI, ENSAM Engineering School, Angers

2001 - Postdoctoral Research Fellow (six month) LPLE, CNRS, Pierre and Marie Curie University, Paris VI 

2000 - Ph.D. Condensed Matter Physics “Al.I.Cuza” University of Iasi

Publications and dissemination

Author of more than 100 peer-reviewed publications in the materials and energy materials area since 2000 published in : Materials Today, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells,  Thin solid films, Applied Surface Science, Surface Coatings and Technology, Synthetic Metals etc.. (100 articles recorded in ISI Web Thomson data base and Scopus) H=28, 2177  citations. Cited in  Science,  Journal of the Am. Chem. Soc., Energy and Environment Science, Chem. of Mat., Organic Electronics, Appl. Phys. Lett., Sol. Eng. & Sol. Cells etc. Individual impact factor calculated from ISI Web of Knowledge  more than 20; individual influence global factor calculated from ISI Web of Knowledge:  more than 50 (for the first 6 the most cited articles) author of  one book and co-author of other  two books, more than 100 presentations in international conferences (35 invited).

Invited talks               Selected papers

Academic activities:

Advising and co-advising of: 14 PhD students, 5 post-doc, 5 students in Master II, 10 students in Master I

Member of: PhD defence commissions (12 PhD thesis),

Member of: scientific societies (ACS, EPS and EMRS)

Member of the Editorial Board of AIMS Energy   (AIMS -American Institute of Mathematical Sciences)

Industrial Exploitation /Intellectual Property: Conception and realization of an equipment for thin films deposition by pyrosol, ENSAM, Angers (2005), commercialised by AnnealSys

Professional activities and honours: chair of ISAOP 2010, member of comities of some scientific national and international conferences (ISAOP Angers 2007, FTM Iasi 2002, PNC Iasi 2001)

Reviewer for scientific journals: Thin Solid Films, Materials Science and Engineering B, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, Applied Surface Science, Journal of thermal Spray, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, Journal of Materials Science, Applied Physics A, Materials Chemistry and Physics 

Member of: the Board of the Faculty of Science - University of Angers 

Member of : AUF commission expertise

Member of scientific networks: ORGAPVNET, NANORGASOL, ATLANSUN

Head of: the Professional Training “Energy demand management and renewable energy” 

Head of:  the Research group Thin films for photovoltaic applications - LPHIA, 

Coordinator of: the ERASMUS Program «Solar cells and plasma applications in surface science»

Associate member of: the Academy of Science, Belle-Letters and Arts, Angers

Awards: Outstanding Reviewer for Thin Solid Films 

Chair person: ISAOP (2010), ROCAM (2015), EMRS (2016)

European Commission  - Expert  (2022)

Management Committee member in two EU COST Actions  (2017-2022)

Projects & Grants

12 project proposals as PI and 5 as co-PI since 2003, on the total of these 17, 10 were funding; between these we would like to mention: Co-PI in ANR - OxTiMIBPhotobat. (2007-2009); Co-PI in the European Project FP6 – ORGAPVNET (2006-2009); PERLE 1 (2006-2009), PERLE 2 (2010-2013), Co-PI in the European Project ERA-RUS-NET (2012-2013), PI of one national project and of three PHC bilateral cooperation projects: PHC Brancusi  (2015-2016), PHC Platon (2013-2014),  PHC Brancusi (2009-2010), TOR Swede (2018)


Research ID - ORCID / Research ID - Scopus / Research ID - Thomson Reuters  v, Mendeley    IDRef

Research ID - Google Scholar  / Research ID - OKINA / Research Gate / Brain Map (U-1700-034C-9296) / HAL                                            

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