Main web page for Dr. Miguel A. G. Aranda

 (updated July 2024)

Full Name:    Miguel Angel García Aranda

Date and place of birth:   February-8th,  1966, Málaga

Current working address:  University of Malaga, Inorganic Chemistry Department

Facultad de Ciencias, Campus de Teatinos, 

Bulevar Louis Pasteur, 31, 29010 - Málaga Spain.

36°42'56''N   4°28'09''O

 Phone:   Int-34-952131992                       Email:    

Web pages:

Employment:       Professor of Inorganic Chemistry at University of Malaga since June-2011

Past position:       Scientific Director of Spanish synchrotron ALBA (2013/01/01 to 2019/02/28, with a secondment of University of Malaga)

Past position:       Associate Professor (1999-2011)

Past position:       Assistant Professor (1994-1999)

Education degrees:

1992: D. Phil. in Chemistry; University of Málaga

1988: B.A. in Chemistry; University of Málaga

Pre-doctoral experience: Chemical Crystallography Laboratory, University of Oxford, U.K. (1989-1991).  7 months, during three summer research stays.

Post-doctoral experience: Chemistry department, University of Cambridge, U.K. (1992-1993).  15 months

Short CV can be accessed at the link:

Research metric summary (2024/01/12):

...........................................No. documents....No. citations.......................Hirsch-Index......Platinum H-index-----(H/CL=33)×(Ct/At)

Web-of-Science .....................248......................11244..........................................62.............................85.2...........................................1.88×45.34


Google scholar........................470.......................15505..........................................70.............................69.9...........................................2.12×32.99

5 'Sexenios-investigación': 1989-1994; 1995-2000; 2001-2006; 2007-2012; 2013-2018. next evaluation: December-2024

1 'Sexenio-transferencia': 2008-2013. next evaluation: December-2020??

6 'Quinquenios' 1989-1993; 1994-1998; 1999-2003; 2004-2008; 2009-2013; 2014-2018. Next evaluation: December-2023.

5 'Tramos autonómicos'. No more tranches are currently allowed.

Working methodology: kaizen & 'work smarter not harder'

'Discovery consists of seeing what everybody has seen and thinking what nobody has thought' (Albert Szent-Gyorgyi)