Recent industrial engagement (selected contract as P.I.)

Participating in contracts with other companies as member of the team listed in our CementScience@UMA web


Title "Analysis of Kaolinitic Clays for Developing Low-Carbon Cements"

Industry:  Vinci construction services partages     (France)

Contract: UMA-OTRI-type, reference - 8.06/5.41.6519.  Date: 2023/03/23-2025/03/22


Title "Study of clinkers fabricated from alternative fuels"

Industry:  Financiera y Minera Sur, S.L.U. (Fabrica de cementos la Araña) 

Contract: UMA-OTRI-type, reference - 8.06/5.41.6213.  Date: 2022/04/22-2022/12/21

Title "Low-CO2 cement admixture activation study"

Industry:  Master Builders Solutions Deutschland GmbH     (Germany)

Contract: UMA-OTRI-type, reference - 8.06/5.41.5700-1 .  Date: 2021/12/01-2022/11/30. Extended to 2023/12/31


Title "Belite cement hydration studies"

Industry:  Buzzi Unicem SpA     (Italy)

Contract: UMA-OTRI-type, reference - 8.06/5.41.5934.  Date: 2021/09/01-2022/08/31. Extended to 2023/08/31


Title "Belite cement admixture activation study"

Industry:  BASF Construction Solutions GmbH

Contract: UMA-OTRI-type, reference - 8.06/5.41.5700.  Date: 2020/12/01-2021/11/30


In my position of ALBA synchrotron Scientific Director, data analysis services to Spanish and International companies using synchrotron radiation. Selected examples are : i) active pharmaceutical ingredient including polymorph determination and amorphous quantification; ii) mineral pigment analyses by XANES and powder diffraction; iii) cement analyses; iv) scales analyses; ... No details can be provided as these works are under NDAs.


Founding partner of the technology-based company XDS, started 2015/07/20 with the aim to provide X-ray data analysis services to companies: i) data analysis; ii) advising and iii) training in mineralogical analyses. This company was initiated by two former PhD students of mine under my support and encouragement. XDS received the spin-off price of University of Malaga in 2015. 


Title "Hydration studies of AETHERTM cements with Supplementary Cementing Materials"

Industry: Lafarge-LCR (Lyon, Francia) 

Contract: UMA-OTRI-type, reference - 8.06/5.41.3762 


Title "Research and Development of New Surfaces for Building Industry" // "Investigación y Desarrollo de Nuevas Superficies para Construcción"

Industry: COSENTINO S.A.

Contract: UMA-OTRI-type, reference - 8.06/5.41.3136 

Title "On-line setup of phase analysis in cement industry and staff training in the Rietveld method" // "Adaptación on-line de análisis de fases en cementeras y formación de personal de empresas en el método de Rietveld"

Industry: PANalytical BV – Sucursal en España 

Contract: UMA-OTRI-type, reference - 8.06/5.41.3162 


Title "On line mineralogical quantification of commercial Portland clinkers and cements by the Rietveld method" // "Cuantificación mineralógica on-line de clínkeres y cementos Portland comerciales por el método de Rietveld"

Industry: HBM IBERICA S.L. como representante en España de PANalytical

Contract: UMA-OTRI-type, reference - 806/41.2016