Open Positions and Nominations

Please submit nominations and self-nominations using this form.

Vice President

The Midwest AAR is seeking nominations and self-nominations for the appointment of Regional Vice President. The Vice President is elected to a one year term and continues to succeed as President-elect, President, and Past President of the region. 

Terms and Duties

(From the regional manual): The Vice President shall be elected to a term of one year, which begins at the conclusion of the MAAR Annual Meeting at which his or her election is announced and ends at the conclusion of the MAAR Annual Meeting at which his or her successor’s election is announced. The Vice President then shall succeed to President-Elect. The Vice President creates the annual meeting schedule and program book. In unusual circumstances, the Vice President shall preside at meetings at which the President is absent. The Vice President will, moreover, be responsible for taking minutes at all meetings (of Officers, the Board, and the general Business Meeting) and will update the MAAR website, including information on the annual conference.

Nominations and Applications

Nominees will be requested to submit a statement of justification and purpose, a short C.V., and an endorsement from a colleague. The period of nomination will be open through June 15, 2023. Candidate applications will be due by June 30th, 2022. A slate of finalists will be presented to the region for election.

Please use the link above to submit nominations and self-nominations.

Section Chairs

The Midwest AAR has section chair vacancies in:

Theology, Ethics, & Philosophy of Religion

Section chairs are appointed to a three-year term, renewable once. Primary duties involve crafting a CFP for your section for the annual spring conference, soliciting proposals, reading proposals, assembling panels (and notifying applicants of acceptance or rejection), finding or serving as moderator for those panels, and communicating with panelists. There is an expectation that you will attend the annual regional meeting. The Midwest AAR is looking for exceptionally energetic scholars who are interested in pursuing new initiatives in and for the region, including recruiting senior scholars for roles at the conference, cultivating spaces for graduate students and contingent faculty, and developing new forms of panels such as roundtables and workshops. 

Please use the link above to submit nominations and self-nominations.

Applications must include a letter of interest, including qualifications for the position, and a current C.V. Applications will begin being reviewed immediately and will continue until each vacancy is filled.