Stage 1 (01.09.2020-31.12.2020)

  1. Two fieldwork campains were deployed in the Postăvaru Massif (Brașov County), Romania

  1. 400 samples were collected from the field

  1. 200 thin sections were prepared and interpreted for the studied sections, in terms of microfacies and biostratigraphic content

Stage 2 (01.01.2021-31.12.2021)

  1. Six fieldwork campaigns were deployed in the Postăvaru and Piatra Mare Massifs

  1. 1200 samples collected from the field (Stages 1-2)

  1. total number of 1000 thin sections were prepared from these samples during laboratory activities, by following standard thin section preparation methods

  1. Facies interpretation allowed the definition of then facies associations that characterize a large spectrum of depositional environments. The Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous transition is marked in the area by a passage from slope and basin to platform margin and inner platform deposits

  2. The identified microfossils allowed the identification of four major stages and intervals: Kimmerdigian-upper Tithonian, upper Tithonian-Berriasian, lower Berriasian and upper Berriasian

§ All these results were presented at two conferences. In addition, two scientific papers are currently in review, in various ISI journals (Facies, Carbonates and Evaporites)

International conferences

Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous from the Postăvaru Massif (Romania). Microfacies and microfossils. 35th Meeting of Sedimentology (Prague)

National conferences

Understanding the Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous transition in a mixed, pelagic-shallow water depositional setting. A case study from the Eastern Getic Carbonate Platform (Postăvaru Massif, Romania). The 13th Romanian Symposium on Paleontology, September 16-17, Iași

Scientific papers (under review)

Mircescu CV, Har N, Tămaș T (2021) Microfacies, physical and mechanical properites of carbonate rocks from the Apuseni Mountains, Romania: Implication for delineating potential ornamental limestone extraction areas. Carbonates and Evaporites (Under Review)

Mircescu CV, Bucur II, Pleș G (2021) The Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous transition in a mixed, deep-shallow water depositional setting. A case study from the easternmost Getic Carbonate Platform (Postăvaru Massif, Romania). Facies (Under Review)

Stage 3 (01.01.2022-31.08.2022)

The following results were achieved: three papers were published (2 ISI papers, 1 peer-reviewed paper) and four conferences (2 international conferences, 2 national conferences) were attended

Published papers

ISI papers

Mircescu CV, Bucur II, Pleș G (2022) The Jurassic-Cretaceous transition in deep- and shallow water carbonate depositional settings: a case study from the easternmost Getic Carbonate Platform (Southern Carpathians, Romania). Facies 68: 5 (first author)

Mircescu CV, Har N, Tămaș T (2022) Microfacies, physical and mechanical properties of carbonate rocks from the Apuseni Mountains, Romania: implication for delineating potential ornamental limestone extraction areas. Carbonates and Evaporites 37: 27 (first author)

Peer-reviewed papers

Șerban S, Mircescu CV, Ungureanu R, Bucur II (2020) Carbonate clasts from Cretaceous conglomerate deposits of the Postăvaru Massif (Southern Carpathians, Romania) – depositional environments and biostratigraphic remarks. Acta Paleontologica Romaniae 17 (1): 27-39 (corresponding author)

International conferences

Mircescu, C.V., Bucur, I.I., Pleș, G., 2022. Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous limestones from the easternmost Getic Carbonate Platform (Southern Carpathians, Romania). Microfacies, microfossils and depositional environments. EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, May 22-27,

Mircescu, C.V., Bucur, I.I., Pleș, G., 2022. The Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous evolution of the easternmost Getic Carbonate Platform (Southern Carpathians, Romania): insights from the Postăvaru and Piatra Mare Massifs. CBGA 2022, 7-11 September 2022, Plovdiv, Bulgaria (accepted abstract)

National conferences

Mircescu, C.V., Tămaș, T., Har, N., 2021. Microfacies, physical and mechanical properties of carbonate rocks from the Apuseni Mountains, Romania: implication for delineating potential ornamental limestone extraction areas. Sesiunea Științifică Anuală „Ion Popescu-Voitești”, Abstracte, vol. 2021

Săsăran, E., Cîntă-Pânzaru, S., Pleș, G., Bucur, I.I., Săsăran, L., Tămaș, T., Mircescu, C.V., Oprișa, A., 2021. Upper Jurassic cave filling. A case study. Sesiunea Științifică Anuală „Ion Popescu-Voitești”, Abstracte, vol. 2021