University of Michigan,

Ann Arbor

Google Community Leaders Program

Our Mission

Michigan Google Community Leaders Program (CLP) aims to create a sustainable web ecosystem by connecting communities, businesses, and entrepreneurs with student talent.

About Michigan Community Leaders Program

The Michigan Community Leaders Program was created in 2014, with the focus of helping bridge the digital divide for both small businesses and nonprofits. Through monthly workshops, individual consultations, YouTube content, and webinars centered on content designed for each specific audience, we are able to promote digital literacy and access in the community to help organizations technologically compete with larger counterparts.

Our two specialized teams (nonprofit and small/medium-sized business) are trained on Google Analytics, Google Ads, and a multitude of other Google applications. Additionally, teams develop comprehensive nonprofit and small business strategies with the purpose of being as impactful as possible to the local community.

With chapters in New Brunswick, Harlem, Detroit, Chicago, Atlanta, Kansas City, Provo, and New Orleans, Michigan CLP is proud to be included in the widespread reach to educate the public about digital access and end the digital divide. Our students are provided professional development, career exposure at Google, and online tools training, with the intention of continuing their growth into impactful community leaders post-graduation.

What We Do

Nonprofit Team

Our Nonprofit team works closely with Metro Detroit nonprofits to help them connect and thrive online. Through our personalized 1:1 mentorship program, informational workshops centered around various Google tools, and several community events, our nonprofit team hopes to serve as a cornerstone in helping bridge the digital divide that hinders many local nonprofits.


Small/Medium-Sized Business

Our small/medium-sized business team promotes the growth of local businesses by helping them build and establish their online presence. 1:1 personalized consultations, interactive workshops, and long-term business partnerships and networking opportunities allow our team to see SMBs thrive and succeed.


2020 Key Value Metrics:

  • Community Leaders committed 500+ volunteer hours

  • Launched the Google CLP Nonprofit Academy with 8 nonprofit partnerships

    • Resulted in (comparing pre-audit to post-audit):

      • 100% conversion to Google AdGrants (38% increase)

      • 87.5% of nonprofits updating their website

      • 30% increase in understanding of Google Calendar

      • 30% increase in understanding of Gmail and extensions

      • 27.5% increase in understanding and use of Google Ads

      • 20% increase in understanding of Google AdGrants

      • Dedicated 85+ hours during the year consulting nonprofits about refining digital marketing strategies and accomplishing business goals utilizing Google tools

  • Hosted a GSuite Workshop with 25+ attendees

  • Created and posted 2 new Youtube Videos with ~82 views/video

  • Hosted the 3rd annual Girls in STEM Day with 40 Girl Scouts in attendance

2019 Key Value Metrics:

  • Community Leaders committed 500+ volunteer hours

  • 100+ local businesses/nonprofits now educated and equipped with an online presence

  • 60 Girl Scouts mentored at ‘Girls in Stem’ day

  • 60 Midnight Golf Students educated on Google tools; improved their familiarity with the content by 64%