"The Little Things" by Jack Wagar, Patton School, 1953

The following poem was taken from the 1953 yearbook from Patton School. It was written by Jack Wagar (a graduate of Patton that year) as an assignment in English Class.

In the past three years that we have spent
With the books, the sports, the shop.
We also think of the little things
That do not quite rate the top.

The variety of the little things
The sadness and the joy.
The little things that have confronted
Each and every boy.

We look to these with great respect
For we know one thing sure.
That they have taught many things
We never knew before.

Punishment, happiness, sadness, reward
Are some of the things we knew.
But one that we know will greatly stand out
Is the friendship, happy and true.

So now that we we leave the school that was ours
All bound for different parts.
We know the little things
Will be deep within our hearts

--- Jack Wagar