Week 3 - Journal


Tell us about your assignment's idea for this week. Why do you care about this idea? What were you inspired by?

My assignment for this week was to design pen pencil holder which we could fabricate it on 3d printer.
Like always i searched in google when i came across this nice idea of a castle pen holder as shown in the picture above.

This picture was an inspiration for me to open to new ideas for designs for my assignment.

Also i cared a lot about this idea as i wanted to challenge myself in designing new and complicated things to get more practical knowledge in designing 3D parts.

Also this week i had to laser cut (mobile stand and any other small thing) and 3D print (any sample or personal thing) pending assignments from week 1 and 2 which i was dreadfully waiting for it.

Tool Chain

Which software/machines/materials did you use this week? Why?

attached video here

In designing stage i have used many common tools like "extrude" and "combine" but for this assignment i used 2 new tools "Shell" and "Revolve" also practiced on "Loft" and "Sweep" tools.
Revolve - was used to speed up my designing effort and time, moreover only had to design a small section and tell it to revolve around specific axis which will lead to 3D shape which we want.
Shell- this tool is mostly used in the end to give the hollow equal space in matter of seconds.
Loft- To extrude a profile to another profile whatever the size and length, also to be able to revolve the upper profile to give the part twisted effect.
Sweep- to design a profile along with a specific path by line tool or spline tool to ease the process of designing the whole part. just by using the sweep tool the profile gets extruded along the defined path to become a 3D part.

As for Fabrication stage - this will include to prepare the file in slicer software and to print on a 3D printer.
as for 3Dprinting it will be done next week inshaallah.
Preparing the file- after completing the design on "Fusion 360" i saved as ".STL" file. The saved file was opened in a slicer software, i used "ultimaker cura" to change the parameters and to see that my part has reached it limitation or not.
there are few new settings which i got familiar with it in this software, after "scaling" and "infill" and "layer height". settings related to overhang "support"- which the printer will print extra materials to give the part support.
Moreover, "skirting" "Brim" which the printer starts printing on the bed, and allows the part to be fitted perfectly on the bad, also if there are any changes seen in this layer so we can adjust the settings before its start to print the original part.

Design Process

Explain the design process of your assignment. How did you use the tool/software to design and/or simulate your assignment?

video of my complete model.

1- started my designing process by designing small section on ZY axis

2- after finishing the sketch i used revolve tool (Z axis) to have a 3D part.

3. by using the shell tool i made a hollow container type for my pencil holder model

4- then i gradually designed a new sketch on the facade of the top part to make the fence type castle effect.

5- then i used the circular pattern tool to automatically generate another 7 blocks on the given circumference.

6-as for the window type i used offset plane and sketched window design on it and after finishing it, i extruded to the object settings giving me the real window effect.

7- last but not the least, the brick effect of the castle, i found this video below which guided me to make the brick effect on my castle pen pencil holder.

Fabrication/Implementation Process

Explain the fabrication/implementation process of your assignment. How did you use the machine/tool to manufacture or implement the design of your assignment?

using the slicer program to prepare my file for implementation.
Limitations were that my part should not exceed 25 grams of filament and duration 1 hour and 30 minutes.

1-Due to my part was big first i had to scale my part down to 50%

2- to speed up my print i changed my settings to 0.3mm layer height

3- also to decrease the time and grams of filament i reduced the infill to 5%

4- to help me maintain my part size- i also reduced shell wall layers from 4 to 2 layers which helped me to reduce the time and grams of filament used.

5- also didn't require to generate support as there are no over hangs

6- skirt will be enough as the part is flat at the bottom to give more adhesive on the bed.

7- i will fabricate it by PLA material that's why i have already selected generic PLA settings in it.

Community of Learning

Did you ask for feedback? What are the ideas that others have contributed or suggested? What was someone else’s idea that you built upon? How did you help your peers? How did your peers help you?

Yes i asked for feedback from my peers and specially from my instructors along the week.
Many ideas were contributed such as instructor ENG. Ahmed Saeed and Menna saw my design and both gave a suggestion on Saturday, how to over come the overhang and improve my design.
I built upon my instructor's idea which he gave during the sessions on Tuesday's and Thursday's, on how to use alternative tools and ease the process of designing also decrease the time and effort. so that i could design my assignment by using those so called shortcuts techniques and skill (example instead of designing and using extrude tool many times i can sketch a small section and use the revolve tool).
I was able to help my fellow peers also by giving suggestions and feedback nevertheless by helping out in anyway possible as shown in the picture.
My peers also are kind enough to help me out throughout my week by giving me support and feedback- as on Saturday, a peer really opened my mind for my final project as i was thinking 3D scanner he showed me some basic level stuff as only to make laser measurement tool to understand the parameters of laser and how it detects the object geometry.

Overcoming Challenges

When you got stuck, what/who did you turn to? At what point did you have to pause to research or learn more before moving on? What are some mistakes, pitfalls, or challenges that others can avoid if they were doing this project?

This week i got stuck in my assignment many times
1- for the brick design -i returned to google n searched for simple castle design which ultimately guided me and showed tricks and tips to overcome this barrier
2-for windows on my castle pen pencil holder i couldn't make it extrude along with the curve of my holder. so i returned to my instructors on Saturday which they guided me with many ways to do it.
The moment when i wanted to make the castle brick designed i had to pause to learn how to design it perfectly and more efficiently that's why i searched for videos before moving along.
There were many mistakes and challenges such as in fidget designing the base ball it could only be designed by revolve tool. i tried it first with old tool of extrude and intersect . i will advise my reader in the future to first think of a solution along with what u have learned that week it will definitely save lots of effort and time.

Final Project

How can you use the skills and knowledge that you've acquired this week in your final project?

This week i learned many new features specially combining and giving motion limitation such as fidget. this way i can implement these features in my final project so that it becomes easy to visualize the project more efficiently.


What is the coolest thing that you've learned this week? What is something that you will never forget from this week?

By simple command tools we can achieve awesome designs.
such as in the picture shown its only a small section designed n by the intersect tool and circular pattern gave it amazing look which i will never forgot.

Weekly Digest [OPTIONAL]

Tell us about any other cool things that you've made this week: Pre-activity, examples, exercises, or any mini-projects.

The pre-activity of this week was very cool and challenging as shown in this video , these types of challenges and pre activity gives me the confidence to learn and achieve more .

Assignment Design Files