Program Updates

October 2023 Issue

MHAGC Renews Accreditation by the American Association of Suicidology!

Mental Health America of Greenville County (MHAGC) and the American Association of Suicidology (AAS) are proud to announce that MHAGC has received AAS accreditation for its crisis services program! 

AAS indicates that fewer than 130 agencies in the country have earned their accreditation status as a crisis services provider and ensures individuals who are in crisis, as well as local and state governments funding crisis programs, that MHAGC is delivering services according to nationally recognized standards. 

“It is our pleasure to add MHAGC to our list of accredited crisis programs across the United States,” said AAS President & Chief Executive Officer Leeann Sherman, MP, CAE. “This is a testament to quality of care that MHAGC offers to those in need.” 

AAS is the world’s largest and nation’s oldest membership-based suicide prevention organization. Learn more about AAS at

'Tis the Season!

It's ALMOST the most wonderful time of the year! Ok, it may be a bit early for carols, but it's just the right time to kick off our annual Operation Santa Claus collection drive.

Click the buttons below for information and start checking the wish list.  

Celebrating National First Responders Day

National First Responders Day, established by Congress in 2017 as an annual observance on October 28, recognizes the important work of those who respond to emergencies, disasters, and other urgent situations on a daily basis. In September, as part of the September 11 National Day of Service and Remembrance, MHAGC's AmeriCorps members partnered with Upstate Warrior Solution (UWS) and other partners to create created over 400 thank you cards for First Responders in Upstate South Carolina. UWS delivered the cards to first responders in the five counties of the Upstate they serve. 

Taking Care of Those Who Care for Us

We've listed below a few resources for emergency responders and their families to help with the inherent stress and strain of working on the front lines of health and public safety. 

All Clear Foundation - Improving the Overall Wellbeing of Emergency Personnel

In 2019, All Clear Foundation was founded by Global Medical Response as an autonomous public charity designed to serve and benefit the national Emergency Responder community. As one of the largest employers of Public Safety personnel in the U.S., GMR believes it has a duty to support the overall wellness of all Responders nationally.

All Clear Foundation is a 501c3 public charity whose mission is to improve the overall wellbeing and longevity of those who serve our communities in times of need. We believe that healthy Emergency Responders contribute to healthier communities.

The Code Green Campaign - Mental Health Resources for First Responders

The Code Green Campaign® is a first responder oriented mental health advocacy and education organization. Also known as Code Green, we serve all types of first responders. This includes firefighters, EMTs, paramedics, dispatchers, police, corrections, air medical, and search & rescue. Our name is a combination of the color for mental health awareness (green) and the “code alerts” used in emergency services. If someone is having a stroke or heart attack first responders will call a “code stroke” or “code STEMI”. The idea is that Code Green is calling a code alert on the mental health of first responders.

A Resource Portal for Emergency Responders from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)

SAMHSA offers a host of resources for first responders and disaster responders through its Disaster Technical Assistance Center page. Click here to access information on stress management and peer support, view online trainings, and download guides and tip sheets on various topics related to emergency responder wellbeing. 

NAMI Frontline Wellness for Health Care and Public Safety Professionals

The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) offers NAMI Frontline Wellness, full of resources and tools developed specifically for public safety and health care professionals, and their family members. This site includes information and resources on a wide variety of topics, including...