Events & Observances

MHAGC's Monthly Calendar of Events and Mental Health Observances

2023 Upstate Behavioral Health and Wellness Forum

Engage the community at large, communities of faith, and mental health and substance use treatment providers.

Educate by reducing mental health and recovery stigma in the community, increasing equity in access to services, and increasing awareness of best practices among service providers.

Equip participants by helping them to recognize the signs and symptoms of a behavioral health crisis, support a loved one in the face of behavioral health need, and provide evidence-based substance use treatment, psychiatric and clinical services to our community.

Community Partner Calendars

Well Being Partnership of Greenville (WBPG)

The Well Being Partnership (WBP) takes on the capacity-building role in improving Greenville’s well-being by focusing on three main roles: Data & Learning, Advocacy & Public Policy, and Solutions & Innovation. Within each of these areas, the Coalition has created broad goals which focus on supporting and magnifying the work of partners. 

GOAL Justice

Greenville Organized for Accountable Leadership, and GOAL Justice is a diverse coalition of congregations across Greenville, South Carolina who answer the call to "do justice" by bringing together people to solve entrenched local community problems at their root, including mental health and crisis response.

The Saturday Series

The Saturday Series is a continuing education event sponsored by Carolina Center for Behavioral Health and is designed for professionals to learn about new topics, enhance current skills, and connect to other professionals.