
26 May 2024: Everhardt et al., 2023 has been selected as one of the Editor's Choice Articles from the First Half of 2023 in Geosciences

We are excited for the selection of the article of our graduate Charles (C.J.) Everhardt, along with Dr. Beverly Goodman-Tchernov and former lab members Dr. Roy Jaijel and Dr. Ofra Barkai, as the Editor's Choice! The article, entitled "Earthquake, Fire, and Water: Destruction Sequence Identified in an 8th Century Early Islamic Harbor Warehouse in Caesarea, Israel" and published in the journal Geosciences, compiles the results of C.J.'s M.Sc. thesis. This study investigates possible sources of anomalous sandy and shelly layers discovered in situ in a Roman to Early Islamic warehouse, potentially linked to an earthquake that affected the southern-central Levant in 749 CE. 

28 March 2024: We're Looking for New Student!

The MGM Laboratory is looking for new M.Sc. student to join the lab! The new member will work on National Geographic's Pristine Seas Project- an international initiative aiming to establish marine protected areas around the world based on scientific studies and observations from the field and laboratory.  Sediment samples from these remote areas of the world will be described and analyzed (e.g. micropaleontology, geochemistry, granulometry, etc.) to answer a variety of questions related to foraminiferal biodiversity and biogeography of a changing marine system, impacts of anthropogenic activities, pollution, and climate change,  and markers of marine geohazards. Those interested should email the MGM Laboratory Lab Manager Mimi at Positions starting immediately or during the 2024-2025 academic year.

14 January 2024: New Article by MGM Research Associate Dr. Shai Oron and Lab Head Dr. Beverly Goodman-Tchernov

MGM Laboratory Reserach Associate Dr. Shai Oron and Dr. Beverly Goodman-Tchernov published a new article entitled "Shallow water foraminifera from Niue and Beveridge Reef (South Pacific): insights into ecological significance and ecosystem integrity" in the journal Royal Society Open Science. This work, completed as part of the National Geographic Pristine Seas Project, highlights foraminifera from reefs in the south Pacific and their connection to local ecology and ecosystems. Congratulations, Shai!

25 December 2023: Alyssa Pietraszek Successfully Receives a MERCI Scholarship for Her Ph.D. Research

MGM Laboratory Ph.D. candidate Alyssa Pietraszek received the Encouragement of Mediterranean Sea Research Scholarship from the Mediterranean Sea Research Center of Israel (MERCI). This award will help fund the fieldwork portion of her dissertation investigating sea-level changes along Israel's Mediterranean coast. 

16 October 2023: Moh Adem Successfully Defends M.Sc. Thesis

MGM Laboratory member Muhammed (Moh) Adem successfully defended his M.Sc. thesis today, 16 October 2023. His thesis "Shifting Life Assemblages along the Coastlines of Dead Sea: A Real-Time Analogue for Discrete Lake Level Change," co-supervised by Dr. Beverly Goodman-Tchernov and Prof. Michael Lazar,  assessed the relationship between  rapid lake level changes and the presence of unique foraminifera communities in the Dead Sea. Congratulations, Moh!

20 July 2023: Cara Weisswasser Successfully Defends M.Sc. Thesis

MGM Laboratory member Cara Weisswasser successfully defended her M.Sc. thesis today 20 July 2023. Her thesis, entitled "Unearthing the mound of the Gulf of Aqaba-Eilat, northern Red Sea" and co-supervised by Dr. Beverly Goodman-Tchernov, Dr. Timor Katz, and Dr. Gitai Yahel, looked at the origins of the mysterious sediment mounds on the seafloor of the Gulf of Aqaba-Eilat offshore Eilat, Israel. Congratulations, Cara!

17 July 2023: Dr. Shai Oron and Dr. Beverly Goodman-Tchernov Publish New Article on Storms' Effects on Fringing Reefs

MGM Laboratory Reserach Associate Dr. Shai Oron, along with Dr. Beverly Goodman-Tchernov, published a new article on the effects of large storms on fringing reef systems in Eilat, Israel. This article, entitled "How monster storms shape fringing reefs: Observations from the 2020 Middle East Cyclone" and published in the journal Ecosphere, compares aerial and close-up imagery of reefs at different depths from before and after the cyclone to assess its effects on the area.

12 July 2023: Dr. Beverly Goodman-Tchernov and M.Sc. Graduate C.J. Everhardt's Work on Tsunamis Featured in Jerusalem Post

Recent work by Dr. Beverly Goodman-Tchernov and M.Sc. graduate Charles (C.J.) Everhardt on tsunami evidence in Caesarea, Israel was featured in an article in the Jerusalem Post. This article discusses the findings of a recent publication entitled  "Earthquake, Fire, and Water: Destruction Sequence Identified in an 8th Century Early Islamic Harbor Warehouse in Caesarea, Israel" published in the journal Geosciences documenting tsunami deposits in an 8th century (Early Islamic) harbor warehouse on the northern side of the harbor at Caesarea Maritima.

22 June 2023: Jade Newman Joins MGM Lab for Summer Internship

Jade Newman joins the MGM Laboratory as an Intern for the summer until August. Jade is working on their B.Sc. in Environmental Sciences with a Concentration in Earth System Sciences from Clark University in Massachusetts, USA. In the lab, they will be working on photogrammetry of recovered items from the seafloor and eventually archaeological sites in the region. Welcome, Jade!

8 June 2023: Scientific Diving Course Wraps Up First Week

The Leon H. Charney School of Marine Sciences "Scientific Diving" course just wrapped week 1 of the two week course. Students participated in several survey dives, practicing skills commonly used in scientific research diving. This course brings students through training for qualification as basic scientific divers within the AAUS system (certified to do scientific work to 12 m). 

31 May 2023: Dr. Beverly Goodman-Tchernov Will Give Webinar 28 June

MGM Laboratory head Dr. Beverly Goodman-Tchernov will give a webinar for the American Society of the University of Haifa on Thursday 28 June at 12:00 pm ET. The webinar, entitled "Planet on Borrowed Time: Changing Coastlines in a Beachfront Nation (and Around the World)", will discuss recent sea-level changes and the implications of these changes for coastal populations in Israel and globally. Register here to attend the webinar.

28 April 2023: Gabriel Olawuyi Successfully Defends M.Sc. Thesis

MGM Laboratory member Gabriel Olawuyi successfully defended his M.Sc. thesis yesterday 27 April 2023. His thesis, entitled "Plastics in the Deep: Annotated ROV Video of Eastern Mediterranean Sea Floor", looked at ROV evidence of plastic pollution in the deep sea offshore Israel's Mediterranean coast. Congratulations, Gabriel!

18 April 2023: Dr. Beverly Goodman-Tchernov Featured As One of 48 Israelis Shaping The World

MGM Laboratory head Dr. Beverly Goodman-Tchernov was included in Israel21c's list "The 48: As Israel Turns 75, Meet 48 Israelis Who Are Uniquely Shaping Israel and the World, Today and Into the Future".  Beverly was featured  for her work focusing on coastal disasters and the effects of climate change on coastlines, which aims to help protect vulnerable coastal communities around the world.

6 April 2023: M.Sc. Graduate C.J. Everhardt and Dr. Beverly Goodman-Tchernov Publish Article on Destruction in 8th Century CE Caesarea Maritima

MGM Laboratory graduate Charles (C.J.) Everhardt, along with Dr. Beverly Goodman-Tchernov and former lab members Dr. Roy Jaijel and Dr. Ofra Barkai, just published a new article on a destruction sequence identified in an 8th century (Early Islamic) harbor warehouse located on the northern side of the harbor at Caesarea Maritima, Israel. This article, entitled "Earthquake, Fire, and Water: Destruction Sequence Identified in an 8th Century Early Islamic Harbor Warehouse in Caesarea, Israel" and published in the journal Geosciences, compiles the results of C.J.'s M.Sc. thesis. This study investigates possible sources of anomalous sandy and shelly layers discovered in situ in a Roman to Early Islamic warehouse, potentially linked to an earthquake that affected the southern-central Levant in 749 CE.

15 March 2023: We're Hiring!

The MGM Laboratory is looking for new M.Sc. or Ph.D. students or Postdoctoral Reserachers to join the lab! The new members will work on National Geographic's Pristine Seas Project- an international initiative aiming to establish marine protected areas around the world based on scientific studies and observations from the field and laboratory.  Sediment samples from these remote areas of the world will be described and analyzed (e.g. micropaleontology, geochemistry, granulometry, etc.) to answer a variety of questions related to foraminiferal biodiversity and biogeography of a changing marine system, impacts of anthropogenic activities, pollution, and climate change,  and markers of marine geohazards. Those interested should email the MGM Laboratory Lab Manager Mimi at Positions starting immediately or during the 2023-2024 academic year.

27 February 2023: MGM Laboratory Postdoc Dr. Jeremy Gabriel Presents at Israel Geological Survey Annual Meeting

Postdoctoral Researcher Dr. Jeremy Gabriel represented the MGM Laboratory at the Israel Geological Society Annual Meeting in Ein Gedi, Israel from 21 to 23 February 2023. Jeremy gave a talk entitled "High-resolution chemostratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous Mancos Shale using an Itrax μXRF core scanner". Co-authored by Dr. Eduard G. Reinhardt, Dr. Janok Bhattacharya, Majed Turkistani, Cristina Genovese, and Prof. Antonio Páez from McMaster University in Ontario, Canada, he discussed the chemostratigraphic profiles of early Upper Cretaceous deposits in the southwestern U.S. obtained using an Itrax μXRF core scanner. Later on in the conference, Jeremy also participated in a field trip observing underground "tubing" in the sediments of ancient Lake Lisan. These water conduits channel water beneath the surface, which erodes the rock and causes the overhanging blocks to collapse, resulting in the formation of large canyons.

14 February 2023: Fieldwork in the Mediterranean

MGM Laboratory members Alyssa Pietraszek, Jeremy Gabriel, Akos Kalman, Mimi Anagnostoudi, and Beverly Goodman-Tchernov along with Roey Nickelsberg began fieldwork along the Mediterranean coast of Israel and offshore Caesarea. These snorkeling, scuba diving, drone, and geophysical surveys are focused on documenting geomorphological features along the current coastline and across the currently submerged ancient coastal landscape.

23 January 2023: Postdoctoral Researcher Dr. Akos Kalman Gives Seminar at Università degli Studi del Sannio - Benevento

MGM Laboratory Postdoctoral Researcher Dr. Akos Kalman gave a talk today entitled "Another Drought or More Pesky Humans? Anthropogenic Changes in Waterways Produce 'Drought-like' Layers in Shelf Sediments"  in the Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie departmental seminar at the Università degli Studi del Sannio - Benevento. Dr. Kalman's lecture discussed his reserach on flood sediments preserved in the shallow sedimentary record of the Gulf of Eilat-Aqaba as well as previewed his ongoing work on microplastics at the Dead Sea.

17 January 2023: "Marine Sedimentology" Finishes Another Course in Eilat

"Marine Sedimentology," run by MGM Laboratory's head Dr. Beverly Goodman-Tchernov and Dr. Timor Katz of Israel Oceanographic and Limnological Research, wrapped up its 11th course last week at the Interuniversity Institute for Marine Sciences at Eilat. The course is a ten day intensive class on marine sedimentology and includes lectures by specialists in the field, a field trip, and student-run research projects. During this time, students have the chance to see their projects progress from sample collection while scuba diving or from a research vessel to laboratory analysis and finally to data processing and interpretation.

25 December 2022: Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays from the MGM Laboratory!

22 November 2022: MGM Laboratory Welcomes New Intern Sari Ponnet

The MGM Laboratory welcomes new intern Sari Ponnet who will be joining the lab until January! Sari finished her Bachelor's in Marine Biology this summer at the University of Southampton and is now completing several internships to figure out her next steps. She will be situated at the Interuniversity Institute for Marine Sciences in Eilat where she will be helping MGM Laboratory Postdoctoral Researcher Dr. Shai Oron with the Pristine Seas Project, sponsored by the National Geographic Society (NGS). She will be responsible for picking, photographing, and ID'ing benthic foraminifera from samples collected by NGS divers from several sites around the Seychelles. Welcome, Sari!

19 November 2022: MGM Laboratory Welcomes New Postdoctoral Researcher Dr. Jeremy Gabriel

Dr. Jeremy Gabriel arrived last week from Canada to begin his postdoc in the MGM Laboratory. The arrival of Dr. Gabriel, who is a Zuckerman Postdoctoral Scholar, commenced with the 6th Annual Zuckerman US-Israel Symposium "The Power of Community: Fostering Effective Science" on Thursday 17/11 in Tel Aviv. His work will be focused on reconstructing short-term climatic events from the Holocene using high-resolution chemostratigraphy.

18 November 2022: Ph.D. Candidate Orly Babitsky Speaks at COP27

MGM Laboratory Ph.D. Candidate Orly Babitsky gave a talk yesterday at COP27 in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt entitled "Coastal Authorities at the Forefront of Climate Change." Her talk focused on the vulnerability of the Mediterranean coast of Israel to climate change. She discussed the different factors affecting coastal vulnerability in the area, highlighting the importance of adaptation plans in the country where 50% of the major cities are located on the coast.

8 November 2022: New Article by Dr. Beverly Goodman-Tchernov and Dr. Akos Kalman on Flood Sediment Grain-Size Profiles

Dr. Beverly Goodman-Tchernov and Dr. Akos Kalman published a new article headed by Dr. Timor Katz from Israel Oceanographic and Limnological Research and along with Dr. Regina Katsman also from the Leon H. Charney School of Marine Sciences, University of Haifa. The article entitled "Evolution of sediment grain-size profiles on a sheltered, continental shelf in response to punctuated flood deposition" was published in Continental Shelf Research. This research uses a combined field, laboratory, and model-based approach to discuss the formation and preservation of flood deposits on continental shelves, focusing on the Gulf of Aqaba-Eilat.

31 October 2022: Dr. Beverly Goodman-Tchernov Leads National Geographic Expedition Tour at Caesarea, Israel

Dr. Beverly Goodman-Tchernov lead a tour today for the National Geographic Expedition at Caesarea, Israel. The tour covered the area from Aqueduct Beach in the north of Caesarea down to the Roman theatre in the south and focused on the geoarchaeology of the area, specifically ancient tsunamis. This tour marks the first time the group has visited since corona.

23 October 2022: Dr. Beverly Goodman-Tchernov Participates in the Kavli Frontiers of Science Fifth Israeli-American Symposium

Dr. Beverly Goodman-Tchernov participated in the Kavli Frontiers of Science Fifth Israeli-American Symposium organized by the Israel Academy of Science and Humanities and the U.S. National Academy of Sciences. Dr. Goodman-Tchernov co-organized the session "Emptied Ecosystems" along with Prof. Asa Rennermalm from Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey and Prof. Adrienne Correa from Rice University. The symposium was held 19 to 21 October 2022 at the Arnold and Mabel Beckman Center in Irvine, California.

19 October 2022: Dr. Beverly Goodman-Tchernov Talks about Ancient Tsunami Deposits at National Academy of Sciences "Distinctive Voices"

Dr. Beverly Goodman-Tchernov gave a talk yesterday 18 October as part of the National Academy of Sciences program "Distinctive Voices" in Irvine, California. Her talk entitled "Ancient Tsunami Deposits and the Lives They Save" discussed ancient tsunami deposits identified in the Eastern Mediterranean, specifically those resulting from the eruption of the volcano Thera on Santorini during the Bronze Age, and the implications that these findings have had for disaster risk management strategies today.

5 October 2022: Dr. Beverly Goodman-Tchernov Gives Talk at Erasmus+ Summer School in Santorini

Dr. Beverly Goodman-Tchernov spoke about tsunamis in the Eastern Mediterranean in her talk entitled "Waves from Afar: Evidence of Tsunami Landfall from Thera Eruption on the Levantine coastline" at the Erasmus+ Summer School on the island of Santorini in Greece. During the summer school, Dr. Goodman-Tchernov also explored the eruption further, visiting the archaeological site of Akrotiri with Prof. Vasıf Şahoğlu and Prof. Evi Nomikou.

22 September 2022: Dr. Beverly Goodman-Tchernov Speaks at Diving for Science and Humanity Workshop

Dr. Beverly Goodman-Tchernov gave a lecture entitled "AAUS Standards in an international context: a case study from Haifa University, Israel" at the Diving for Science and Humanity: One Day Workshop yesterday at Flinders University in Adelaide, Australia. This talk discussed the scientific diving activities of the Leon H. Charney School of Marine Sciences, University of Haifa as well as the goals of these diving-intensive projects. Dr. Goodman-Tchernov's trip was supported by the Australia-Israel Chamber of Commerce (AICC) to share with them recent projects and new initiatives, as well as to thank the Bolaffi Fund for supporting University of Haifa - Flinders University cooperations.

25 August 2022: Charles (C.J.) Everhardt IV Successfully Defends M.Sc. Thesis

MGM Laboratory member Charles (C.J.) Everhardt IV successfully defended his M.Sc. thesis yesterday. C.J.'s thesis entitled "Earthquake, Fire, and Water: Destruction sequence identified in an 8th century early Islamic harbor warehouse in Caesarea Maritima, Israel" analyzed sediments from a suspected tsunami deposit identified in an Early Islamic warehouse at Caesarea. Congratulations, C.J.!

27 July 2022: Educational Cruise Finishes Offshore Haifa, Israel

The 2022 Educational Cruise, instructed by MGM Laboratory alumni Dr. Mor Kanari, was held 25 & 26 July offshore Haifa. During the 36-hour cruise, students had an opportunity to use a variety of methodologies to explore the deep sea, including collecting CTD casts and marine sediment cores, and conducting a geophysical survey. Marine sediment collection was led by MGM Laboratory post-doc Dr. Akos Kalman, and included among the cruise-goers was MGM Laboratory M.Sc. Candidate Yarden Aaltonen. The students will now spend the next couple of months processing the data collected during the cruise in the laboratories of the Dr. Moses Strauss Department of Marine Geosciences.

25 July 2022: Congratulations to M.Sc. Candidates Charles (C.J.) Everhardt, Muhammed (Moh) Adem, and Gabriel Olawuyi

MGM Laboratory M.Sc. Candidates Charles (C.J.) Everhardt IV, Muhammed (Moh) Adem, and Gabriel Olawuyi walked today in the University of Haifa International School Master's Graduation Ceremony. Congratulations, guys!

15 July 2022: Ph.D. Candidate Alyssa Victoria Pietraszek Awarded GSA Claude C. Albritton, Jr. Award

MGM Laboratory Ph.D. Candidate Alyssa Victoria Pietraszek was awarded the Claude C. Albritton, Jr. Award from the Geological Society of America (GSA) Geoarchaeology Division. This grant will help fund the fieldwork for her dissertation reconstructing changes in the coastal area and suggesting possible locations of archaeological sites submerged on the Mediterranean continental shelf of Israel. 

9 July 2022: Dr. Beverly Goodman-Tchernov and Dr. Roy Jaijel Publish New Article on Ancient Coastal Maya 

Dr. Beverly Goodman-Tchernov and Dr. Roy Jaijel published a new article entitled "The Proyecto Costa Escondida: Historical ecology and the study of past coastal landscapes in the Maya area" last month investigating the natural and anthropogenic processes affecting the ancient coastal Maya port site of Vista Alegre on the northern coast of the Yucatan Peninsula. This article was published in The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology along with fellow project members Dr. Jeffrey B. Glover of Georgia State University, Dr. Dominique Rissolo of the University of California, San Diego's Qualcomm Institute, Dr. Patricia A. Beddows of Northwestern University, and Dr. Derek Smith of the University of Washington. 

27 June 2022: Congratulations to new M.Sc. Guy Raanan

Guy Raanan, who completed his M.Sc. in the MGM Laboratory in 2021, walked in yesterday's graduation ceremony. Currently, Guy is a Lab Manager at Israel Oceanographic and Limnological Research. Congratulations, Guy!

21 June 2022: 9th Haifa Conference in Marine Sciences Concludes With Open Mic at Bar Galim

The 9th Haifa Conference in Marine Sciences: Climate|Ocean|Change was held on Sunday 19 June at the University of Haifa. This hybrid event, organized by Prof. Ilana Berman-Frank, Dr. Beverly Goodman-Tchernov, and a Student Committee, including Ph.D. Candidates Debi Ramon and Alyssa Pietraszek, Postdoctoral Researcher Dr. Akos Kalman, and M.Sc. Candidate Cara Weisswasser, brought together researchers, students, policymakers, the private sector, and members of the general public. Presentations focused on the connection between climate change and the ocean and what highlighted what we can do to help lessen our environmental impacts. The lineup included Keynote Speaker Prof. Amy Clement and Prof. Kenny Broad both from the University of Miami, National Geographic Explorer Dr. M Jackson, Dr. Sylvia Earle, the University of Haifa's Prof. Tali Mass and Dr. Beverly Goodman-Tchernov, and several talks from the private sector, including EcoOcean, ECOncrete, Save It, and the Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel (SPNI). The conference closed last night with an open mic night at Bar Galim in Haifa where the general public could ask Clement, Broad, and Goodman-Tchernov questions about climate change, cave diving, and tsunamis.

1 June 2022: Dr. Beverly Goodman-Tchernov Gives Seminar Talk at Tel Aviv University, Department of Archaeology and Ancient Near Eastern Cultures

Dr. Beverly Goodman-Tchernov, together with Prof. Vasıf Şahoğlu, gave a seminar talk today in the Departmental Seminar at Tel Aviv University's Department of Archaeology and Ancient Near Eastern Cultures. The talk, entitled "Volcanic ash, victims, and tsunami debris from the Late Bronze Age Thera eruption discovered at  Çeşme-Bağlararası, Turkey", discussed the highlights of their recent paper published in PNAS in December 2021.

31 May 2022: M.Sc. Candidate Gabriel Olawuyi Awarded AAPG Foundation Grant-In-Aid

Gabriel Olawuyi, a M.Sc. Candidate in the MGM Laboratory, was awarded one of the Grants-In-Aid provided by the AAPG Foundation. This award will help with his research on microplastics in deep-sea environments of the Mediterranean offshore Israel. Congratulations, Gabriel!

25 May 2022: Congratulations to Dr. Eleen Zirks and Dr. Akos Kalman

The two newest Ph.D.'s in the MGM Laboratory, Dr. Eleen Zirks and Dr. Akos Kalman, were finally able to walk in the first Ph.D. ceremony held since corona virus on Tuesday 24 May 2022. Eleen finished her Ph.D. entitled "The Holocene Oxygen Minimum Zone in the SE Levantine Basin: Its Evolution and Implications" under the supervision of Dr. Beverly Goodman-Tchernov and Prof. Michael Krom in 2019. Akos completed his Ph.D. entitled "Paleoflood Reconstructions in the Gulf of Aqaba-Eilat, Red Sea" in 2021 under the supervision of Dr. Beverly Goodman-Tchernov and Dr. Timor Katz. Congratulations to both!

15 May 2022: Scientific Diving Course Begins

The fourth annual Scientific Diving course instructed by Dr. Beverly Goodman-Tchernov, Prof. Tali Mass, and Prof. Tali Treibitz of the Leon H. Charney School of Marine Sciences has commenced. This class will instruct students in underwater research methods required to conduct scientific work according to the AAUS standards.

10 May 2022: MGM Lab Welcomes New Lab Manager Thomai (Mimi) Anagnostoudi

The MGM Laboratory welcomes a new Lab Manager Thomai (Mimi) Anagnostoudi. Mimi is currently a Ph.D. Candidate in the Laboratory of Marine Geophysics and Seismic Interpretation, University of Haifa under the supervision of Dr. Michael Lazar (UHaifa), Dr. Uri Schattner (UHaifa), and Prof. Bruno C. Vendeville (Université de Lille).

30 April 2022: Ph.D. Candidate Alyssa Victoria Pietraszek Awarded The Explorers Club Exploration Fund Grant

Ph.D. Candidate Alyssa Victoria Pietraszek was chosen as one of the awardees of The Explorers Club Exploration Fund Grant. This grant will help fund the field work for her Ph.D. project on submerged coastal landscapes along the Israeli Mediterranean coast.

7 April 2022: Israel Geological Society Annual Meeting

Several members of the lab attended and presented at the Israel Geological Society Annual Meeting in Nir Etzion, Israel from 5 to 7 April 2022. Postdoctoral Researcher Dr. Akos Kalman gave a talk entitled "Anthropogenic changes in waterways produce "drought-like" layers in shelf sediments" presenting the main findings from his recently published paper of the same name. Poster presentations were also given by Ph.D. Candidate Alyssa Victoria Pietraszek and M.Sc. Candidate Gabriel Olawuyi.

18 February 2022: Dr. Akos Kalman Publishes New Article on "Drought-Like" Sediments in the Red Sea

Dr. Akos Kalman, a Postdoctoral Researcher in the MGM Laboratory, headed a new article entitled "Anthropogenic changes in waterways produce "drought-like" layers in shelf sediments". This article was published in Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene, and was co-authored by MGM Laboratory Head Dr. Beverly Goodman-Tchernov, M.Sc. Candidate Charles Everhardt IV, and Lab Alumni Alysse Mathalon, along with Prof. Paul Hill and Dr. Timor Katz. This article discusses changes observed in the sediment cycle on the shelf of the Gulf of Aqaba - Eilat resulting from 20th century anthropogenic alterations of inflowing rivers. This article was with co-authors

11 February 2022: Sampling at the Dead Sea

Postdoctoral researcher Dr. Akos Kalman, along with M.Sc. Candidates CJ Everhardt and Moh Adem wrapped up sampling today at the Dead Sea. Sediment samples were collected from along the lake shore for foraminifera assemblage analysis and microplastic quantification. The samples collected during this campaign (8 to 11 February 2022) will be analyzed as part of the "Dead Sea Expeditions" project.

31 January 2022: Ph.D. Candidate Alyssa Victoria Pietraszek Awarded Women Divers Hall of Fame Grant for Technical Diving Course

Ph.D. Candidate Alyssa Victoria Pietraszek was chosen to receive the Women Divers Hall of Fame 'Advanced Dive Training Grant - Technical' to help fund her introduction into the world of technical diving. Her supervisor Dr. Beverly Goodman-Tchernov was also funded by the Women Divers Hall of Fame at the same stage of her career 15 years ago through the inaugural Cecelia Connelly Memorial Grant!

5 January 2022: Dr. Shai Oron Publishes New Article on Shallow-Water Foraminifera from the Selvagens Islands

Dr. Shai Oron, a Postdoctoral Researcher in the MGM Laboratory, headed a new article on shallow-water foraminifera assemblages from the Selvagens Islands in the Northeast Atlantic. This article entitled "Recent shallow water foraminifera from the Selvagens Islands (Northeast Atlantic) - Assemblage composition and biogeographic significance" was published in Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, and was co-authored by Dr. Alan M. Friedlander, Dr. Enric Sala, and MGM Laboratory Head Dr. Beverly Goodman-Tchernov. This paper was published as part of the National Geographic Pristine Seas project assessing the state of areas that have not yet been affected by anthropogenic activity.

27 December 2021: Dr. Beverly Goodman-Tchernov Publishes New Article on Tsunami Victim in Turkey in PNAS

Dr. Beverly Goodman-Tchernov, the Head of the MGM Laboratory, published a new paper entitled "Volcanic ash, victims, and tsunami debris from the Late Bronze Age Thera eruption discovered at Çeşme-Bağlararası (Turkey)" in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (PNAS) along with co-authors Prof. Vasıf Şahoğlu, Dr. Johannes H. Sterba, Dr. Timor Katz, Dr. Ümit Çayır, Dr. Ümit Gündoğan, Prof. İrfan Tuğcu, Dr. Max Bichler, Prof. Hayat Erkanal, and MGM Laboratory alumni Dr. Natalia Tyuleneva. This paper presented evidence for the first victim of the tsunamis that followed the eruption of Thera on Santorini in the Late Bronze Age.