
Dec. 2022

Our lab received the '2022년도 건강한 연구실' from Korean MSIT.

Sep. 2020

Sangsoon Park received Excellent Publication Award for Graduate Students at POSTECH.

JuL. 2020

Media report of Park et al., Science Advances, 2020: 

Aug. 2019

Media report of Lee et al., PLoS Biology, 2019: 

Jun. 2019

Our lab has received the 'leader grant (리더과제)' from Korean NRF. (

Dr. Seung-Jae V. Lee has been selected as a recipient of 'Hanseong Science Award (한성과학상)'. (

Yoonji Jung received the excellent poster award at 2019 Korean Society of Mitochondrial Research and Medicine (KSMRM) Conference.

Hae-Eun H. Park received the excellent poster award at 2019 Spring International Conference of Korean Society for Gerontology.

Mar. 2019

Dr. Seung-Jae V. Lee has been invited to join the Editorial Board of Aging Cell.

Feb. 25th. 2019

Our laboratory moved to KAIST from POSTECH.