Citrine's Metaphysical Blog


Yods are also known as "the finger of God". It points us to what the universe wants us to focus on currently. The transit yod happening today involves the Sun in Leo. The universe is pointing us in the direction to embody the Sun in Leo (confidence, fun- seeking, in- touch with our inner child, etc). Because yods are composed of two quincunx aspects and one sextile, we might have to overcome some obstacles in order to feel the uplifting energy of the Sun at this time. Overall, it's a time to try to enjoy ourselves! 

August 2023

Mars-Mercury Conjunction

There's a trend of saying "bet" when something is going to happen or when someone is going to put forth effort in taking action. Example:

Person A (Mercury): "Don't forget we're going to the movies tomorrow"

Person B (Mars): "Bet"

The close connection of these two planets can really help us to stop procrastinating. It can also give us the stamina needed to put our ideas into action. Communication tends to be direct and to the point under the influence of a Mars-Mercury conjunction. If you are an attorney (or someone who legally represents others), this energy will put you in a position where you won't be at a loss for words!

Getting more done is one of the good things about Mars being in a close connection to Mercury. Mercury thinks of ideas & Mars speeds up the process of bringing those ideas into reality. Mars is ready to defend while Mercury brings the right words to say in support of the argument.

We mentioned the, let's mention at least one of the not-so-good things about this close connection. We might find ourselves flooded with ideas and thoughts to the point that we're up all night trying to figure out how everything is going to come together. Also, we might tend to act on an idea that is not thought through thoroughly.

With this Mars-Mercury connection, "word is bond" will be felt by a lot of us. It is under this aspect that we will feel like keeping our word at all costs.

Remaining 2023 Dates:

Mars-Mercury conjunction (in Virgo)

August 5 - 25

Mars-Mercury conjunction (in Scorpio)

October 23 - November 6

Exact at 11° on October 29

Mars-Mercury conjunction (in Sagittarius)

December 25 - January 3

Exact at 24° on December 28



June 2023

Mars-Lilith Conjunction

Under the influence of the Mars-Lilith conjunction, we will feel like we want to "cut to the chase" in the area of our lives where this conjunction is happening.

We will feel like making bold moves, making the first move, etc under this energy! This is also a time where our sexual magnetism will be felt. We will have an uncanny and mysterious tendency to draw things & people to us over the next few weeks.

Yes, summer brings the heat..... but so does this Mars-Lilith conjunction!


January 18, 2023....Mercury Retrograde Ends & Sun-Pluto Conjunction

Mercury moves out of his slumber at 8:12am EST. A lot of people will feel relieved. Now, we'll have to find something else to blame things on! 

We will start to feel more confident with Mercury going direct coupled with the Sun-Pluto conjunction. The Sun-Pluto conjunction is an energy of confidence & power. Yes, we will feel like we're stepping into our power! We might go forward with implementing our plans or we might come up with powerful strategies to accomplish our goals. Watch out for being overbearing around this time.

All three planets will be in Capricorn.... so we'll feel confident about exerting our power in the area of life where these planets are transiting. Take a look at the following to get an idea of where you might be feeling more confident & powerful around this time:

Aries & Aries Rising.... career, business, hobbies

Taurus & Taurus Rising.... publishing, legal matters, long distance travel

Gemini & Gemini Rising.... endings/beginnings, transformation, sex

Cancer & Cancer Rising....partnerships, contracts

Leo & Leo Rising.... Health, Daily Routine

Virgo & Virgo Rising.... Romance, Creativity, Kids

Libra & Libra Rising ..... Home/Family, Inner Dialog

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising.... Communication, Motivation, transportation

Sagittarius/ Rising.... Finances, Self-Worth

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising.... Self-Image, Outlook on Life

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising..... spirituality, productive alone time

Pisces & Pisces Rising.... Networking, Friends


I'm a Leo & my Rising sign is Libra... so for me...I will feel the energy in my daily routine/ health area and also home & Family area.



#sunplutoconjunction #confidenceiskey #power

January 2023 Astro Summary

Happy New Year!!!

We start the year off with a yearning for passion! That's the energy of the conjunction between Venus & a Pluto.

Under this aspect, people will yearn for affection, intimacy ..... and an overall change to their day-to-day romantic situation.  If you're attached, you might find yourself wanting to be with your partner more....or wanting an additional partner  If you're single, you might find yourself wanting to bring more affection into your life.... to the point where you're willing to take a risk! Be careful, tiger!

Let's look at the planets (Venus & Pluto) & where they're situated:

Venus is the planet of love & material comforts

Pluto is the planet of transformation, sex, power, etc

They are in a close connection in the sign of Capricorn.  Capricorn is the sign that deals with stability, structure & success.

During this aspect, attraction levels will increase.  This means you'll find yourself attracting more of what you crave.

With Mercury in a sextile to Neptune, it is a good time to plan and decide how we want to implement our goals keeping in mind that Mercury is still retrograde at this time.

January 4 - Opportunity is the keyword. With Venus in a sextile to Jupiter, a lot of us will be presented with wonderful opportunities! Some of them will be too good to be true with Neptune in the mix so be aware of scammers also.

January 5 - Unexpected events or money will bring a feeling of stability and confidence to a lot of us around this time. With the Sun and Uranus in a harmonious trine, we can expect to feel grounded by some unexpected event.

Full Moon in Cancer (January 6) - The energies of the sign Cancer are emanating from this full moon.  Cancer energy is about emotional expression, nurturing and connecting openly with others on a deep level. This full moon is asking us to look at our lives and take note of:

....anything (or anyone) that is blocking our ability to openly express our emotions

....anything (or anyone) we need to release in order to facilitate nurturing of ourselves and others.

This full moon is known as the Full "Wolf" Moon.  Wolves love to howl at the moon.  It is a way for them to express themselves.  In the same way that wolves don't hesitate to express themselves by howling, we should not bottle up our feelings by hesitating to express ourselves.

The Moon rules the sign of Cancer. Cancer Full Moons remind us of the importance of emotional stability.This full moon will be in opposition to not only the Sun but also Mercury.Don't forget Mercury is retrograde that could also add to bringing up emotional wounds from the past that need to be released.

There will also be feelings coming up about things that you're pursuing in life that tend to stress you out and/or fill you with feelings of fear & doubt.  This is the time to decide what thought patterns/routines need to be released so that you can move forward confidently & peacefully.

Full moon blessings to everyone! Full Moons are great for releasing.

January 9 - Ideas and actions seem to come together as Venus and Mars are in a harmonious trine. This is a great time to come up with ideas to beautify your surroundings, to come up with ideas to diversify your investments and meet new people.

January 12 - Mars goes Direct!!!!!! We will start seeing less delays

January 14 - A great day to be with friends and family as Venus squares Uranus. Not a good day to start anything because of the challenging aspect. It is a day to go with the flow and enjoy yourself.

January 18 - Mercury goes Direct. There is also a feeling of confidence in the air as we embody the energy of the Sun and Pluto in a conjunction. Even if something ends around this time, you'll feel confident that something you need will replace it.

January 22 - Uranus goes direct...we could see unexpected events happen such as: earthquakes, meeting new friends, unexpected opportunities to network, etc

January 26 - Venus enters Pisces. This should be a great weekend because there is a blissful energy emitted when Venus is in Pisces.

January 29 - Great time to be out and about....great time to be active. With the Sun in a trine to Mars and with Mercury in a trine to Uranus, your mind and body will want stimulation.

December 2022 Astro Summary

With Venus in an opposition to Mars kicking off the beginning of December, a lot of us are feeling a bit (maybe a whole lot) of imbalance. That is the energy we feel with this aspect.  We will find ourselves leaning too far on one side of a situation. This could be playing out in many different ways depending on where it is happening in our personal chart. Here are examples:

We all have feminine characteristics and masculine characteristics and this aspect will help us to realize that we need a balance.  With the holidays in full swing, it is a good idea to consciously balance our emotions.

Distorted thinking and communication is something else that will come up towards the beginning of December as well. We have the aspect of Mercury in a square to Neptune to thank for try not to make any hasty decision the 1st week of December.

 Week of December 4th

 .....will be a bit of a challenging week because of the squares and oppositions happening:

Remember, it is the holiday season and a lot of people are prone to extreme amounts of stress.

Week of December 11th

.........should be a much easier week for us. With the Sun in a sextile to Saturn, we feel good about any restrictions that come up. It (restriction) will feel like a life-saver to a lot of us because this restriction might be helping us to avoid a major crisis. This is one reason we need Saturn in the mix. Saturn is the planet of rules, restriction, order, etc. Also, during this week, we have the Sun in a square to Neptune. This is a great aspect to help us double check our dreams/plans for any red flags so that we can make better-informed decisions.  On Saturday, 12/17, the planet of communication/thoughts will be in a great aspect to the planet of surprise bringing a great synergy (possibly a great surprise) to whatever we have been thinking about bringing into fruition.

Week of December 18th

.......with the Sun in a square to Jupiter starting the week off,  we will find that we are not going overboard with shopping, etc.!  This week will be a week where things seem to fall into place. The aspects are good this general. Remember, you have to look in your chart to see if there are any challenging aspects to your natal planets. If there are no challenging aspects to the transits in your personal chart, this should be a great week.

Week of December 25

....another good week.....Merry Christmas to all who celebrate!  Happy Holidays!

*** Remember, you have to look in your chart to see if there are any challenging aspects to your natal planets. Whatever is going on in your chart can change the effects of these transits. 

November 2022 Astro Summary

We start the month off with an opposition between Venus and Uranus. This opposition is about subtlety & stability versus surprise & risk-taking. Depending on where this is happening in our personal charts, we could possibly:

The week of  November 6th is a very busy week astrologically! Not only do we have a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus but also the Sun and Mercury will team up in opposition against Uranus. Whatever the Sun & Mercury are cooking up, Uranus & the full moon are ready to throw a surprise in the mix! This means we should be ready to be flexible if our plans don't seem to be working out.  Another aspect we will have to deal with is the square between  Mercury and Saturn. As you can see, the odds are in favor of our plans going in a direction that we might not be expecting! This is one reason why this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is not the ideal time to start anything new. Brainstorming, dreaming and visualizing are good activities during this week of November 6th because Venus will be in a trine to Neptune and by the end of the week, Mercury will also be in a  trine to Neptune.

Smooth sailing will be the energy during the week of November 13th....with Venus and Mercury  in good aspects to Pluto and Neptune, there will be a feeling that we can let our guards down and venture out towards our goals. The square between Mars and Neptune might make it hard for us to get anything accomplished by the end of the week. We might feel like doing leisure activities instead of finishing tasks that we've been working on related to our goals.

With the Sun in a trine to Jupiter starting off the week of November 20th, a lot of us will feel great about the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday! Enjoy time with family and friends!

We end the month with strong influences from Saturn. There will be a synergy between what we're thinking in relation to what we're doing....thanks (in part) to Saturn.  Saturn and Mars will be in a trine on Monday, the 28th, making sure that the action taken by Mars is favorable. Also, on Tuesday the 29th, Saturn will be in harmony with the ideas coming through Mercury....This week is a great time for us to act on the ideas that we've been thinking about!

🎩This new moon solar eclipse in Scorpio has an element of surprise. A lot of us are already feeling the powerful energy! We need to get our comfort food and other items ready.  We'll need them to either celebrate or comfort ourselves..... depending on what's going on in our personal charts. 

In general, new moon solar eclipses tend to bring new opportunities, new people, etc into our lives. Let's look at what's going on (in General) during this new moon solar eclipse:

✨️The Sun, Moon & Venus will be in Scorpio at 2 degrees

✨️Pluto will be in Capricorn 26 degrees

✨️Mars will be in Gemini 25 degrees

🦂Because Scorpio is co-ruled by Pluto & Mars, we have to also look at where the transiting Pluto & Mars are located in our charts. This, coupled with the Sun, Moon & Venus will give us an idea of where we are likely to have something or someone eclipsed out of our lives and/or where something or someone new is coming in for us. 

New Moons are ideally a time for us to set new intentions.  Because the energy of the eclipse is in the mix..... try to set intentions to start doing away with (eclipse) something or someone. This is a great time to start focusing on how we're going to stop doing things that are not good for us. 

A few Examples

💡set intentions to start a new exercise routine to do away with (eclipse) extra weight

💡set intentions to start going to AA, gamblers anonymous, etc to do away with (eclipse) addictions 

💡set intentions to practice breathing techniques or mantras to help you do away with (eclipse) stress

💡set intentions to start using honey and do away with (eclipse) sugar

💥We can't forget that Uranus (planet of surprise) is directly across from Scorpio. Even though it's not directly aspecting this new moon solar eclipse, we can't forget that it is in close connection to the North Node..... which can bring a surprising fated event at any time.

*Pluto & Mars are influencing the energies playing out in Scorpio because they co-rule Scorpio.

💜In closing, we have to be gentle on ourselves. If something happens and we're not prepared, we have to forgive ourselves and come up with a way to keep striving. 💛🌞

This full moon in Aries is calling us to .....

Remember that sometimes in order to maintain balance, action is needed.... and sometimes to take action, balance is needed.

Release anything holding us back from taking action and/or maintaining balance

During a full moon in Aries, the Sun is in Libra. Libra is the zodiac sign that is known for balance.

Aries is the zodiac sign that is known for taking action, being ambitious & passionate and starting

new endeavors.  When we have a full moon in Aries, the moon and Sun are showing us where we need to work on releasing things that disrupt balance and action in our lives.

"Release" can simply mean releasing expectations.... or...... it can be more involved

October 2022 Astro Summary

We start October off with an opposition between Venus and Jupiter.  Venus in Libra wants a balanced connection while Jupiter in Aries wants any & every connection. In relationships, this can present a problem for anyone who wants a serious relationship because Jupiter will bring in lots of temptations for one or both parties.  If you are in sales, Jupiter could bring lots of sales leads (which is great!) but Venus will put up an opposition making you think twice about contacting lots of sales leads in lieu of courting your current clients.

On Sunday, October 2, we will feel a little bit of relief as Mercury goes direct.....remember, Mercury still has to pass through the shadow period.

On Thursday, October 6, we have a wonderful trine between Mercury and Pluto. This is a great time to do away with unnecessary distractions.  Mercury will help you to focus/think about ideas, goals, etc while Pluto will assist Mercury by making it easy for you to cut distractions off.

Pluto goes direct on Saturday, October 8, so get ready to go through some obvious transformations. That is what Pluto is known for....transformation. When Pluto is retrograde, transformations are more subtle but when Pluto is direct....transformations tend to be more IN YOUR FACE!!!!

The week of October 9th should be easy going in the beginning and end of the week.....but on Wednesday we have a square between Mars and Neptune and also an opposition between Mercury and Jupiter to deal with.  Wherever Mars is located in your chart will be where you want to start something or take action on something but Neptune  will be making it hard for you by omitting details.  Speaking of details, Mercury will want to help you take care of business but Jupiter will oppose any progress by influencing you to try to do too, Wednesday could be a challenging day for a lot of us.

Venus and Mars will be in a nice trine on Tuesday, October 18.....great day for romance, balance, organizing...the list goes on.....

Lots of movement on Sunday, October 23rd....Saturn goes direct, Sun and Venus both move into Scorpio.....marking the beginning of Scorpio season! A few days later, on October 25, we will be graced with the New Moon in Scorpio Solar Eclipse.

Enjoy your October!

Waxing Moon Info........

Mars moves into Gemini, 8/20/22. 

🌌Mars is the planet of action, anger, fight-mode, perseverance, etc.  Mars is the warrior planet of the zodiac!

 ♊️ Gemini is the sign that loves communication, knowledge, socializing, etc. ♊️Geminis tend to be very outgoing, talkative, intelligent & clever. 

..... so when Mars moves into Gemini, we should get ready for our minds (and mouths) to be on overdrive! We might find ourselves coming up with brilliant ideas! .....Thinking about so many things at one time.... thinking, thinking, thinking and thinking.... staying up all night thinking! Telling people exactly what's on our minds might also come to the surface.....our tongues will be unleashed so to speak (no pun). We will pick up on non-verbal cues from others more easily during this time. This will be a great time to work on writing projects, to learn a new language & meet new people!

⚜️For the most part (there's always exceptions), air signs & fire signs will be able to flow easily with this Mars in Gemini energy.  Water signs & Earth signs might struggle a bit because they like to assess/feel out situations before taking action. 

Mars will retrograde the day before Halloween🎃... just in time for us to relax & enjoy the fall weather for a few months! 

🥸Look in your chart to see where this energy is happening for you.


Lion's Gate Exposed

August 2022

Can you feel the Leo energy? A lot is being said about Lion's Gate lately so let's take a look at it.

Heavenly Bodies Involved:



Orion's Belt Constellation


Dates involved

July 26 through August 12

(Exact date is August 8th....8/8)

Why is it called Lion's Gate:

.... because it is happening during Leo season

(If it happened during Cancer season it would probably be called Crab Gate & we'd be running for

What is Sirius:

Sirius is a star that is larger & brighter than our Sun. This star is associated with Light Code activations, new beginnings, advanced technology,  etc

What is happening in the sky (as above):

Our Sun, Sirius, Orion's Belt & Earth are lining up in a great connection (gate).  This connection is one of tremendous energy!

How is this affecting us on Earth (so below):

The fact that Sirius is lining up with our Sun is a big deal. Spiritual Light code activations, Spiritual downloads, major "Aha" moments, courage out of nowhere, more opportunities related to your goals, zero tolerance for distractions, etc will be felt here on Earth.

If you have a majority of Planets in air & fire signs in your chart, you might be loving this energy! You're flowing with this energy & excited to manifest as much as possible.

People with a majority of Planets in Earth & water signs might be feeling more physical symptoms and anxiety from this intense energy.....

Either way, this is a time to make major moves and at least start the ball rolling in order to manifest something big!!!

The following information is believed to be true by some people while others feel like it's a myth. You decide for yourself:

"Some humans are descendants from beings, whom still inhabit Sirius. During the Lion's Gate Portal, Earth descendants of the Star Sirius will receive Light Code Activations from their distant (highly advanced) relatives/ancestors. A lot of Earth descendants will also be visited (through dreams, visions, orbs,etc) by their Sirius relatives."

Remember, people have different perspectives & we can't knock what someone chooses to believe or do.... especially if it doesn't affect us personally.... sooooo.....

believe what you want to believe

do what you want to do

Be so busy and happy with your life that you don't have time to criticize anyone..... that's a Leo thing! Leos know that when you talk negatively about other people, it takes the focus off of yourself and does not help you manifest anything.....

Leo season brings the energy of indulging in things/situations/people that bring you joy, strength & happiness... not things/people/situations that bring you negativity.


Full Moon in Aquarius

August 2022

This full moon in Aquarius is calling us to....

remember that there are plenty of fish in the sea

 release trying to please everyone

  release feeling like we need to stay in a place or situation that does not feel right for us

                      "Plenty of fish"

.... the fish mentioned here can be in the form of love, job, place to live, etc

Full moon in Aquarius is asking us to release thoughts of there not being any hope for you to find love, or find another place to live, or find another job, etc,etc.....

This August Full Moon is known as the Sturgeon moon because this was the time of year that the biggest & most Sturgeon fish were caught..... so, it was named Full Sturgeon Moon.

#fullmoonmagic #fullmooninaquarius

When Learning Astrology.....

When learning Astrology, I suggest you use an ephemeris more than automated chart calculations. If the internet & other technology were to be non-existent, you can still cast charts using an ephemeris.      %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

Astrology Refresher... 30 degrees....

Planets move from sign to sign.  Each sign has 30 degrees.  Right now (as of 7/21/21), the Sun is at 29 degrees in the sign of Cancer. This means that the Sun will be moving into the sign of Leo soon. Leo season is approaching

Wherever the Sun is located.... that's what season we're in.

Cowry Shell Blog

Chakra Blog

This is a great activity to do to give your chakras a boost.  There are various other things you can do.... here's one that I talked about on my broadcast today:

Things you'll need:

Peppermint Essential Oil

Carrier oil (any kind)


Step 1: Shower or bathe

Step 2: Put some carrier oil in your hand & add a drop of peppermint oil

Step 3: Rub your hands together to mix the oils together

Step 4: Rub your hands on each of your chakra points

(Repeat steps 3 and 4 until you've covered all chakra points) ..... add the oil mixture to any other part of your body that holds tension

Step 5: Lie down on your back

Step 6: Place the crystals on each of your chakra points

Step 7: As you lie down, feel the energies flowing through your body.... be open to receiving messages from Spirit & remain open to being a messenger

If you feel that your 3rd eye is sluggish, use an amethyst on that point followed by a clear quartz.  Your chakra will soak in the energies of the amethyst then the quartz will amplify the energies.... this will aid in giving your 3rd eye a boost.

Tarot Blog

Empress Energy

Card Energy of the Day

The Empress card is reminding us today that we are here on earth to love one another.  Share your compassion, love and joy with others.  If you're walking past someone, share your smile.... make eye contact, say "hello". Silently say prayers for others wishing them well.

The Empress builds up and encourages others while being full of ideas to enhance her/his own life. See your life as a glass that is full and is now pouring out to help and heal others with the overflow from your glass. Take joy in knowing that you are capable of loving others..... and that you are loved.

Spread love....

Astrological Aspects

Mars-Jupiter Conjunction in Aries May 2022

Mars conjunct Jupiter in Aries

Aries (the sign of action & initiative) is ruled by Mars.... so Mars is at home when it moves into Aries...

Mars and Jupiter will be (exactly) conjunct at 3 degrees in Aries on Sunday, May 29th. This marks a time of great, powerful energy! Under the influence of this Mars-Jupiter conjunction, the universe is blessing us with lots of energy.  We will all benefit by staying physically active or doing something that is productive during this time. Let's look at why it's suggested for us to stay active under this aspect......

Planetary Movements:

Jupiter..... planet of expansion...moved into Aries on May 10th

Mars.... planet of action, War, violence,

guns, etc ...moved into Aries on May 24th

Exercising and staying active helps us to release built up and/or excess energy. Mars in Aries wants to be active! Jupiter is expanding that urge of Mars to be active and productive. Not taking advantage of this energy can lead to angry outbursts, feelings of rage, etc..... When Mars can't fully express its energy, it will try to help Jupiter expand SOMETHING. This can lead to overeating. Remember, Jupiter likes to expand and that can sometimes be seen in weight gain. The ideal situation is that we all exercise & stay active under this conjunction.  The downside of not taking advantage of this energy is seen through violence, emotional outbursts, etc.

Some of us have been feeling the energy of this aspect even though the aspect is not yet exact. On May 24th, the moon moved into Aries and this was the same day of the Uvalde, Texas killings. On this day, the moon, Mars & Jupiter were all in a close connection in Aries.  We can look at this and see the violence (Mars), multiple (Jupiter) killings  & the devastating emotional (Moon) result of what happened.

We need to really show our fellow humans love and kindness at this time.  Some of us can't handle the excess energy and our emotions can become out of control. For the remainder of us who can handle these energies, please be patient and thoughtful with everyone. You never know when someone has decided that they are on their last bit of restraint! Your kindness might make a difference in someone's life.

Lunar Eclipse

Lunar Eclipse


A dramatic Emotional Release is going to happen between the time of the lunar eclipse & 6 months from then. This release can be on the Sun's side (exhilarating) or the moon's side (heartache). Look in your chart for insight on how this will play out for you personally.


For one of my clients, this Scorpio Full Moon is happening in their 9th house as they apply for higher education scholarships/ funding.  Within the next 6 months, they will be getting good news that will release them from the stress they've been dealing with while trying to get funded for their higher education.  What's happening for them:

This Full Moon (lunar eclipse) is wonderfully aspected in their chart.....

.... so, as you can see, while lunar eclipses can be an emotional time, it's not always a heartbreaking situation! Yes, it's true that lunar eclipses WILL eclipse something out of your life..... but sometimes it eclipses huge stressors out of your life.... things, thoughts & situations that have been causing you profound stress could be removed out of your life. 

Full Moon Ritual

I hope you had a chance to walk outside under the light or glow of the full moon.  Did you see the moon in the sky tonight? For me, I couldn't see the moon tonight as it was cloudy. I did, however, have a chance to feel the mist of the moon. It was raining off and on...... and when I walked outside there was a misty sprinkle in the air. It felt like the moon was blessing me with droplets of moon water!

Here's a great ritual for this full moon:

1. Wash hands

2. Light your incense and/or candles as you focus on your intentions to release some situations/ things

3. Write down feelings (or persons) you want to release. ... pass the paper through the incense/candle smoke

4.  Add divination tools.... place them on your intentions after you've run them through the smoke of the incense/candle

5. Ring a bell or clap or play some music, etc you focus on your intentions (optional: recite Psalm 68:1)

6. Prepare a tea infused with herbs that are good for spiritual protection or Prepare moon water that has been charged with protective intentions.... take a few sips

7. Burn the paper and thank the universe for working everything out for you...sip your drink

8. Bathe with charcoal soap..... giving thanks that anything or  anyone that is harmful to you is being released out of your life.... finish your drink

9. Recite a closing prayer or chant

Remember, the universe does not need your earthly tools (candles or incense or divination tools) to bring you your manifestations.  Don't fret if you don't have all of the ingredients for a spell or ritual.  We are Spiritual beings having a human experience.  As part of the human experience, we have the pleasure of delighting in using earthly tools.  It satisfies the human side of us.  Some of us delight in using earthly tools.... some of us don't.  Either way, don't look down on what someone else is doing or not doing.


Happy Full Moon


*Some people do a full Spiritual bath before doing any ritual. You decide if you want to add that before the ritual.  There's no right or wrong.

Full Moon Detox

Full Moon Detox

This is a great time to feel the effects of a salt bath. 

Soak in Epsom salt-filled bath water.....

Let the gravitational pull of the moon take away negative energy.

 Imagine that as you bathe each part of your body, you are releasing any negative energy in that part of your body.

Light candles and/or incense as part of your releasing bath soak.

Drink a detox tea or your favorite beverage as you soak.

Put on your favorite songs to help you relax and to release any negative thoughts.

It is a scientific fact that the moon has influence on the tides.... Humans are made up of at least 60% of water so we feel the pull of the full moon.  In the spiritual realm, water can represent emotions.  Hence, we see people acting out of character more so under a full moon. Those of us who are aware of this fact use the full moon to our advantage, for healing, etc....

Happy Full Moon!

"The elliptical orbits of the moon around the Earth and the Earth around the sun have a substantial effect on the the Earth’s tides. " 

New Moon Blog Coming Soon........


Have you noticed an increase in your sex drive or your need for companionship? You can give some thanks to the Venus-Pluto conjunction! This aspect will be exact at 25 degrees by December 11th.

Under this aspect, people will yearn for affection, intimacy ..... and an overall change to their day-to-day romantic situation.  If you're attached, you might find yourself wanting to be with your partner more....or wanting an additional partner  If you're single, you might find yourself wanting to bring more affection into your life.... to the point where you're willing to take a risk! Be careful, tiger!

Let's look at the planets (Venus & Pluto) & where they're situated:

Venus is the planet of love & material comforts

Pluto is the planet of transformation, sex, power, etc

They are in a close connection in the sign of Capricorn.  Capricorn is the sign that deals with stability & success.

During this aspect, attraction levels will increase.  This means you'll find yourself attracting more of what you crave.

Comment "bring it on" if you're ready for the Venus-Pluto conjunction.