Rules & Contact

Standard rules; standard ratios, no link-reusing, and no this-for-that trades. Please send me your list if you are interested in a trade with me.

Please copy whatever is bolded, not the name on Encora. The way I list them may sometimes differ due to various reasons.

Whoever initiates the trade sends their link first.

This should go without saying, but: don't request a new trade when we haven't finished the first one, I won't reply to that. Just expand it in the previous trade.

Dates are in YYYY.MM.DD format.

You are always welcome to ask for a larger trade if I initiated and you found something more on my list.

I use mega and prefer mega. My links will stay up for 7 days by default, but after that they may be taken down.

​I haven’t watched all of my collections yet, so it might take some time for me to check the content. If there are any mistakes that you found, please let me know!

I only trade out Czech audio for other Czech audios atm, even if I initiated.