My List

Status: Open for trades, closed for gifting.

Hi, I'm M (she/her). I've been trading since 2022.10.05 and have built up a small collection that I'm rather happy with. I'm always open to small trades, although larger ones may vary.

I will get back to emails asap. I'm also horrible with keeping track lately so sorry for any trouble beforehand ://///////.....

if you have contacted me in the past two months it'd be best to send a follow up or sorts if you're still interested and I'll try to get back to you in a week or so... I'm too tired to ask one by one whether you're still interested or not.

Updated: 13 May 2024.

Some things, because you might have read my rules/info before and don't want to read it again, or find it too long, it's ok:

Dates are in YYYY.MM.DD format.

In case you're a master completionist, please use the search function to find specific items :) I moved to google sites for the search function and dropdown.