The Elemental Order app is similar to Simon game, but instead of tapping the colors that you see and hear, you rotate the cube around to find each color and select the same pattern. Elemental Order draws on memory, focus and more importantly, repeating patterns.

Explore the solar system and watch the planets rotate around the sun (cube). Select each planet for additional information while the sounds recorded in space are heard in the background. Use this app in your classroom to discover how the planets orbit the sun or discuss why the various planets make the different sounds.

Merge Paper Cube Pdf Download


Begin building with AR using the Merge Cube app. Much like Minecraft, students can design their cube using brick, cobblestone, wood and many other block types. The most important feature of Dig is the creative opportunity for students. Not only can you create your own build, but the option to download another world and add to it makes this app a beneficial addition to any creative classroom.

I saved one of my favorite apps for last because it delightfully connects storytelling and AR. As the story comes alive inside the cube, the student is provided with options to progress the story. There are multiple endings with consequences for each option selected. Giving our students a way to personalize a story, use AR to view the scenes and hold the story in their hand makes this app a top choice to include in your classroom.

Three years ago my technology coach came to me with a Merge Cube in her hand. She was so excited to show me this new augmented reality cube to use in my science classroom. All you need is a cube and the app! The app reads the code on the cube and creates augmented reality through your phone. The other 2 science teachers and I all freaked out when she showed us! We could hold the entire solar system and a human brain in our hand! The possibilities of showing our students things in science that are so hard to visualize became endless. At that time, the cubes were $1 at Walmart. I called my mom after school and she went and bought all the Merge Cubes at 3 Walmarts!!

We all know that this school year is going to be unlike any other. In a socially distanced classroom, you can still use a normal foam Merge Cube. They can be wiped down with a sanitizing wipe and are good to go! I will not be using my class set of foam Merge Cubes this year. Instead, I am going to make a paper copy of the Merge Cube and have every student create their own. This makes for less interaction between students and they only touch their cube!

Merge is such an amazing tool for interactive science. Are you interested? Visit the Merge Instagram page here for daily giveaways this week. Each day, one person will win a cube and a subscription for a year! Stick around until Friday and you could win a class set!!

Schools and districts that have interest in Merge EDU have several resources to learn more and try out the platform. The website includes general overviews, testimonials, funding ideas, pricing, and links to the Help Center. Anybody can register for a free trial at, and the demo video at provides more information about the full Merge EDU platform. If you have any questions, you can reach out to Merge at

Seller: You are buying from the Homeschool Buyers Club, which has assumed responsibility for purchasing and fulfilling this product on your behalf in order to get you the best possible price.

 Payment: The Club will charge you for the combined purchase price and any other fees associated with your purchase when you place your order.

 Returns: If you are not completely satisfied with Merge EDU, you can request a full refund if you do so within 30 days of the date of purchase.

 Sales Tax: Not applicable.

 Other Terms & Conditions: Upon purchase, you will be given a link to immediately download and print your own paper MERGE Cube which can be used to activate the 3D augmented reality features such as your child manipulating an object in their own hands. For best results, ensure that your paper MERGE Cube edges are sharply defined. If you would rather purchase the non-paper version, please follow this link for the MERGE Cube and purchase separately on Amazon.

 Shipping: Not applicable.

 Privacy Policy: Your order and this offer are subject to our Privacy Policy However, by placing this order you agree that the Club will share the following information with Merge EDU for the SOLE PURPOSE of fulfilling your order: first name, last name, and email address. You will not receive unsolicited commercial emails as a result of placing this order through the Club.

There is also the intelligent idea of triggering an action by rotating the cube to a specific side. For example. when I arrived at that house with the big satellite dish on top I had four options. I can choose an action by rotating the Merge Cube at the appropriate side that represents that action I want to take. This how the story progress, you have a narrated scene and then the game asks you to take an action.

One user has merged their branch back into dev, and the third in their project is TheirCube. I finish my cube and goes to merge it back into dev, but in my project, the third is MyCube. This obviously causes a conflict - I can't push my cube into dev without overwriting their cube. The same issue arises when trying to merge another branch into your own, due to how the XML is structured.

Here is a MERGE cube getting started guide on the Miniverse website. This getting started guide takes you through the same steps as above with additional videos as well as further information which may be helpful.

A Merge Cube, as the name implies, is a cube that is coded through its design to make objects 3D. To make the 3D images come to life, you must place the cube under your camera and let the cube and smartphone work its magic.

In the classroom, the Merge Cube is used for my fourth graders to explore a range of science topics. I added the merge cube to my science curriculum as a supplement to enrich our science labs, exploration, and explanations phases of our units.

Aprender con la realidad aumentada es definitivamente divertido! Pero an no se ha corrido la voz de lo fcil que es llevarlo a las aulas. Vamos a hacerlo! Construyamos merge cubes con nuestros alumnos! Tomemos las cosas que nos interesan en nuestras manos! Podemos girarlas, examinarlas, desmontarlas y volver a montarlas pieza a pieza, incluso interactuar con ellas. No puedes hacerlo, dices? S, se puede.

Los merge cubes son cubos negros con smbolos blancos de aspecto bastante mstico en todas sus caras. En lugar de introducir el tema a lo grande, mantenemos a todos en la oscuridad al principio. Entonces el efecto sorpresa es mucho mayor.

Si quiere presentar la tecnologa a sus colegas en su colegio, puede utilizar esta presentacin. La he creado basndome en la plantilla de Gabe Haydu, la he actualizado y he aadido algunos contenidos. Adems de una sencilla introduccin al tema, encontrar instrucciones de trabajo para los alumnos, consejos sobre diversas aplicaciones y enlaces sobre el tema del merge cube en el aula.

Una variedad de aplicaciones gratuitas hace que el merge cube sea interesante para todas las asignaturas. Ahora puede acceder regularmente a otra herramienta y poner los contenidos al alcance de la mano en el aula. Recoge los merge cubes realizados por los nios y decora con ellos un rincn de su aula. De este modo, los har volver a trabajar una y otra vez.

Merging 3D seismic surveys into a seamless single 3D volume, either post-stack stage or pre-stack stage, is a challenging task on seismic data processing. This study describes some tips from coastline Abu Dhabi where we successfully managed merging two partially overlapping surveys during post-stack stage, one from transition zone (land and shallow marine) while the other one from offshore 3D OBC seismic survey, in order to understand subtle geological structure relationship among two areas. Since spatial sampling between two surveys are greatly diverse due to different orientations and grid sizes, a conjugate grid which is identical to a main cube had been applied over the subordinate one that enable the whole dataset to interpolate and process as a same grid. Then we deployed pre-conditioning steps over the subordinate dataset to minimize their quality differences where we particularly focused on residual noise, multiples, frequency contents and event timings. Lastly, a matching filter was designed and applied to the subordinate side to compensate residual amplitude, frequency and phase and produce a final dataset for structure interpretation.

A single consolidated seamlessly merged volume was produced throughout the steps as described above along with well-to-seismic calibrations. Seismic interpretation was conducted over the main reservoir between two datasets/fields with a good degree of confidence. The present day structure separation and structure growth history were analyzed as a part of the structure interpretation. Moreover, this case study illustrates the add values of the seismic 3D merge from the aspect of regional structure restoration, and revealing structure relationship between the overlapping surveys. The final merging result outcome of this case study has an amenable structure continuity and seamless horizon mapping of the common reservoir target level between the two surveys. Additionally, the merged seismic cube did showcase a lateral zero phase wavelet stability of the existing wells that verified the reliability of the conducted post-stack seismic merging processing workflow. This case study has successfully demonstrated and summarized key technical tips that are recommended for merging datasets on post-stack domain in the future. However, pre-stack merge is also and still strongly recommended since static corrections, velocity pickings and imaging processing can be applied throughout the two surveys in one go while these cannot be fixed on post-stack merge. From data acquisition perspectives; enough overlap to reaching the full-fold rim of the overlapping surveys is highly recommended. 2351a5e196

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