Get creative with your own legend! You can create a legend in Adobe Photoshop or any other image editing software, or export a legend from ESRI ArcMap as a .jpg. Stick to image file types like .jpg, .png and .gif. If you want a transparent background to your legend, save it as a .png or .gif, as .jpg files do not support transparent backgrounds.

Copy the code in the text editor and switch back to Google Earth. Paste the code into your project folder. You can turn off or delete the previous legend you added. Now you should see the Wetlands Legend centered in the middle of the screen.

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The Sirius Revolutionary Congress fell apart soon after the destruction of Earth. The various colony worlds all formed their own nation-states and attempted to unify the scatter human settlements, with little success. After nearly a century of on-again-off-again warfare, the colony world of Theoria, located in the Aldebaraan Starzone, managed to unite humanity in a second hegemony. They declared themselves the United Stars of the Galaxy, or USG, and instituted a new Space Era calendar to mark a new begining in human history--a new era where Earth was no longer the focal point of humanity and earth eventuailey join the USG as a minor member.

Earth Cult was essentially an Earth-centric doctrine, preaching the superiority of Earth and the inferiority of the former colony worlds. Though the earth cult had influence in its main temple and surronding territorys, most of the 415 million people on Earth ironicly did not believe in terraism and were loyal citizens of the empire. Some even served in the imperal armed forces. Terraism managed avoid destruction beacuse imperal forces on earth did not have enough spare forces to put it down until the Lohengramm dynesty put it down for them. As a religion, Terraism quickly spread it throughout the Galactic Empire, but never achieved sufficient size to be considered a direct threat by the reigning Goldenbaum Dynasty. This religion - the Earth Cult - managed to infiltrate every level of Imperial society, and accumulated a great deal of money and influence. The Earth Cult was largely responsible for the creation of Phezzan as an autonomous state, and worked to perpetuate the FPA-Imperial War. The Earth Cult hoped to manipulate the conflict in order to dramatically weaken both the Galactic Empire and Free Planets Alliance so that they could then usurp control of the galaxy.

In 2019, CNN published an article on the modern flat earth movement featuring the Flammarion engraving with an inaccurate caption "A medieval engraving of a scientist leaving the world, representing the change in conceptions of the world in the 16th century".[36]

For example, if there is an "enhanced", "slight", "marginal", and "general", a legend would be created with those values with the associated color (thus, 4 values). Likewise, if there was only "marginal" and "general", then a legend would be created with those two values.

My question here is, is there a way to generate it in Google Earth as a "one-click" (or "two-click") solution? I.e. I load the KML/KMZ file and I click a button to create a legend that bases itself off of the values of the KML file. I'm thinking that there isn't and I'd have to write a script to get me to this "one click" solution.

Google Earth Pro (the classic desktop app) can create legends from your KML, but maybe not in the way you want. It's part of the "Save Image" tool, accessible from the File menu > Save > Save Image, or from the "Save Image" button on the toolbar (2nd from the right). When you go to save an image, it gives you options for a title box, legend box, scale, compass and HTML box. The "Map Options" button that appears below the tool bar lets you turn those things on or off, and lets you select the desired image resolution before saving your map view to a JPG image.

If you have a KML on the map when you go to save an image, you'll see that the Legend is auto-generated from the features in your KML (see image below). If you click on the Legend box, you can select which items to include or not... or to refresh the auto-generated legend from your current view.

It works pretty well. The caveat is that the only useful thing you can do with it is export it as part of a larger image. There's no easy way to get that legend, and then somehow add it to your KML for viewing with the map. So if this is for generating a map image with legend, then you're good to go... otherwise you can export the image, crop out everything but the legend, and then use that legend image in a balloon in your KML or elsewhere.

The next step is deciding which part of the window the legend should be placed. Lines 5 & 6 in the Legend.kml can be edited to control the placement of the legend image. The position.txt file contains pre-built placement code for the overlay image including center, and each corner.

Although I had under taken dozens of image commissions on Middle-earth for the Iron Crown Enterprises card game, those were mostly so questionably executed they were unacceptable to include (except for a few) in a volume which was intended to celebrate Tolkien, not disparage him! To make the book happen, we needed to tap into a broad range of paintings and drawings I had been creating for over 10 years as a fan.

The amount and quality of art surrounding Middle-earth I have created in the intervening years is of such a caliber and of aesthetic integrity, that I am very proud to to place my name to this project for the way that it is the platform I dreamed of as an artist.

A legend is the only screen overlay that you can include in your KML created in ArcGIS for Desktop. Legends added in the map document layout view will be included as a KML screen overlay and a button folder that allows you to change where the legend will be displayed on the screen. Legend overlays will only be included in the KML when using the Map To KML tool.

I just re-tested this at ArcGIS 10.4.1 for Desktop and, as expected, it still works. One thing to be careful of is that although Google Earth turns on the Legend item, it defaults the position that you want to see it to be None. To see the legend you must change that radio button to the position you want the legend displayed in (see red "arrow" in the picture below).

Not sure if anyone else has had the same issue, but when converting map to kml (to include a legend), the legend doesn't actually fully convert. I was able to get the color patches, but not the descriptions.

So, I added a placemark where I wanted the legend to appear in Google Earth, added a png of the legend grabbed from ArcMap, using the "Add Custom Icon" button of the Legend. I increased the size, moved the point into my data folder, and voila, there it is.

In ArcGIS Pro 3.1.2 I am running the Map To KML tool to export a layer with a legend to be viewed in Google Earth. When selecting the legend layout source my layout containing the legend is available in the dropdown but when exported it does not appear in Google Earth. In the layout view the legend is also within the map boundary. Any help is much appreciated!

ArcGIS Pro generates the legend based on your symbology settings for the layer. Google Earth doesn't work like that, so the exported "legend" is just an overlayed (semi-transparent) image. To see it, you need to expand the "Legend" folder and choose a radio button for one of the positions on the screen.

I hadn't tried exporting a legend from a Layout before, and frankly, I think it looks like **bleep** in Google Earth. I think a better solution would be to take a screenshot of the legend in ArcGIS and manually overlay it in Google Earth. Then you could better control how it looks.

Create a legend with a limited number of steps. In the image below, I have opted for 5 equal interval classes. You can use any interval, but using equal intervals makes things easier, as you will see later.

Zoom in on the legend, and place horizontal guides just above the upper and below the lower symbol (1). Next, draw a rectangle next the legend (2). Make the rectangle snaps to the upper and lower guides. Now, under the * Item properties* tab, click on the Style (3). This opens the Symbol settings window.

We have a legend with five colors at equal distances. So we have stops at 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100%. We already have the first and last stop, so we need to add three stops. You can simply add a stop by double clicking on the color ramp (1). You can precisely position the stops by setting the *relative position (2).

Now select the first stop, and the sample tab (3). Click on the sample color button (4) and sample the color of the upper color of your legend (5). Likewise, select the second, third, fourth and fifth stops and sample the colors from the corresponding legend boxes.

Now the finishing touch. Remove the guides, move the rectangle to the right to cover the legend boxes. Or if you like, keep part of the original legend symbols uncovered, so they serve as ticks. Optionally, you can group the legend and rectangle so you can move them easily around.

Ruth's people spot Morgan and chase him. He exchanges gunfire with them, and picks up tear gas grenades from a police station armory along the way. While the tear gas delays his pursuers somewhat, Morgan is wounded by gunfire and retreats into a church. Despite Ruth's protests to let Morgan live, his pursuers finally impale him on the altar with a spear. With his dying breaths, Morgan denounces his pursuers as "freaks," and declares that he is the last true man on earth.

Imagine going to bed with mousy brown locks and waking up with a headful of supernova scarlet. It's a hot new look for me - literally, because it bursts into flames whenever I'm threatened. My magical makeover is all Gary's fault. I knew there was something off from the moment he transferred to my school. Go figure. He's a wizard with a trust fund and an inferiority complex. Now, thanks to him, I've graduated from high school bullies to supernatural terrors and that's not all. Fate has chosen me to face the legendary vampire destined to destroy the world. 2351a5e196

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