I have a small issue regarding the simple timer library . After going through some docs and examples i do have an idea about it but not a complex one either . As in there are functions such as delete timer , so on and whther we can use while loops inside of a timer.settime out . Please be kind enough to paste a link or to explain me what each function does accordingly means alot

I didn't quite ask this question but the only thing you seem to want that Java timers aren't giving is thread pooling, and while I never got around to using the answers I got they seem to address that

Download Simple Timer Library

Download Zip 🔥 https://urllio.com/2y3KlD 🔥

None of the two examples that I have mentioned for the SimpleTimer library work. The problem is that the LED stays just on (

digitalWrite(26, HIGH);). Can someone who has made the libraries work, provide me with some guidance?

I assumed it was just another case of the OP showing bits and pieces of his real sketch instead of all of it. (Otherwise it couldn't compile to perform as he says.)

In the case of the "SimpleTimer" library, it includes a file that's only contained in the ESP8266 core, as far as I know.

Either way, I think that even code for an ESP8266 would have a 'setup()' and 'loop()', or at the very least, a 'main()' function. Isn't 'main()' required in C/C++?

I'm trying to build a library for a motor, which allows me to send commands through a parallel IO-interface (various pins to set HIGH or LOW which can then be interpreted by the motor-controller). So far, I did this with functions in my main ino-file. But now, since everything gets a bit bigger, I would like to clean up a bit and put everything relating to that motor in a library.

The pointer to this "function" you use in timer->setTimeout(resetDelay, [color=red]ResetDrive[/color]); does not mean anything in itself, it would require an instance context to be used. C++ does not allow this.

The simpleTimer library is intended to often be used with only one instance and then deal with timerIDs, it's not well suited for what you are trying to do (need to call run on the instance to update each "task")

As simpleTimer is based on polling for time, you could very easily embed the very same functionality into the ley32cIO, instead of having a simpleTimer instance, just memorize the value of millis() at the starting point (say in a variable startTime) and then in the main loop you poll every instance of ley32cIO to see if they are to done (call a method that will check if the allocated time has elapsed if (millis() - startTime >= duration) {...}

The reason, I wanted to use a timer-instance was, that I will need to set various different reset-timers independently from each other and did not want to create a lot of variables to memorize all those timestamps. It seemed close to use a already fully implemented solution for this tasks. But well, if that's not possible, I will have to go for this "alternative" way.

But this means, that using libraries which use callbacks is not possible inside classes like mine? For example, if I would want to use the Button2-library (e.g.) inside the ley32cIO-class, this would also result in the very same problem (a quick test resulted in the fact, that I had to define the callback functions as well static)?

If you want different timeout you will need memory to store them regardless of the solution. Using the library you mention actually allocates a static array for all possibles tasks so wastes memory compared to embedding this storage in your instance - then you will have the exact count needed.

The cleanest way I've found for allowing instance functions as callbacks is to make sure that the library offering the callback supports Parameterized Callbacks. One such library is arduino-timer. See my Reply #2 in this thread.

I really think going to libraries is just increasing complexity for something really simple as there is really no need for a callback, everything happens within the instance, so can be dealt with upon timeout in the instance

Thank you all for the replies.

I implemented now a very simple class which does kind of exactly what drmpf's library does. Start the timer with timer_eg.runIn(30) and then check every tick() if the timer is due.

Also thank you for your example J-M-L... But I think I did specify my requirements a bit unclear. I need various reset-timers(/delays) inside EVERY instance of ley32cIO. If I only had to memorize only one timestamp per instance, I had taken your approach right away (which I now did, but putting it in a class).

I now moved all this variables inside a timer-class so there are not a lot variables around just for this timing (but only the timer instances and the check in tick() ).

But good to know about the parametrized callbacks. I did already see this functions in the header-file of OneButton already, but did not fully understand what its purpose is. Now it's a bit more clear.

And might look back to the easyRun-library which contains a lot of things, I sometimes look for.

Runners often use stopwatch timers to record how long it takes them to complete a lap around a course or finish an entire run. You can use a stopwatch to track how long it takes to complete any task, such as coding a simple program.

Programmers often use stopwatch timers to compare the performance of various Python solutions. By seeing how long each solution takes to execute, you can choose the program that runs the fastest. Over time, this will allow you to better understand computational complexity and build intuition for choosing efficient solutions. These skills go a long way towards becoming a proficient programmer.

Our countdown timer works by having a user input the number of hours, minutes, and seconds for the timer. You can find the code for these inputs at the bottom of the program below the countdown class.

The countdown class itself takes those inputs and converts them into a total number of seconds. As long as total_seconds is greater than zero, the while loop runs. Within the loop, we use the timedelta() function to calculate the time left on the timer.

In this article, we explored the time and datetime modules to understand how time works in Python. We used this knowledge to create a lap timer, a countdown timer, and showed you how to measure the execution time of Python programs.

First, notice that we have placed yield within a try-finally block to ensure the framed code block won't affect the context manager's job. If the managed code creates an error, the timer will still report the elapsed time until the error occurred.

One advantage of using the @contextmanager decorator to define our timer is that we can use the timer both using the with statement and as a function decorator, like in the last example. If we wanted to time a certain operation once, we could call in timer() using a with statement. However, if we wanted to track a function's run time at every execution, we can decorate the function using @timer().

In the following code block, we've created a parameterized version of our timer, called timer2. We have removed the hard-coded methods of accessing and reporting the time and allowed a message parameter to format the message string.

Inside the with statement, we passed two arguments: (1) the timer function to use and a custom message for the function to print. Since we're using process_time() as our timing function, we'll measure the CPU time, excluding the time spent sleeping.

The timer code is almost the same as previous timers, but now we've added two variables for tracking time: total_time and runs. These values will accumulate and hold the values needed to calculate the average.

Create a Timer instance with the given statement, setup code andtimer function and run its timeit() method with number executions.The optional globals argument specifies a namespace in which to execute thecode.

Create a Timer instance with the given statement, setup code andtimer function and run its repeat() method with the given repeatcount and number executions. The optional globals argument specifies anamespace in which to execute the code.

The stmt and setup parameters can also take objects that are callablewithout arguments. This will embed calls to them in a timer function thatwill then be executed by timeit(). Note that the timing overhead is alittle larger in this case because of the extra function calls.

Time number executions of the main statement. This executes the setupstatement once, and then returns the time it takes to execute the mainstatement a number of times. The default timer returns seconds as a float.The argument is the number of times through the loop, defaulting to onemillion. The main statement, the setup statement and the timer functionto be used are passed to the constructor.

default_timer() measurements can be affected by other programs running onthe same machine, so the best thing to do when accurate timing is necessary isto repeat the timing a few times and use the best time. The -roption is good for this; the default of 5 repetitions is probably enough inmost cases. You can use time.process_time() to measure CPU time.

I downloaded the SimpleTimer library from the Arduino's library manager and navigated to Arduino Playground website for some sample code for testing - SimpleTimer - Arduino Playground. After copying the following code into the Arduino IDE:

Hi @Noob2this , I might not be the best person to answer this but I'll take a shot.

In the countdown timer macro, In the action labeled Custom Floating HTML Prompt, there is aline of text like

That is where you could change the display location.

#9c96ff is a purple color - you can change the color in that above line of code...

Not sure how to make it transparent, - I'd like to know that myself!

I hope this helps

I just read this whole thread. It was a lot of code for a simple timer. And it got me to thinking. I now I have a great idea for a whole new type of timer. I'm going to work on it and post it as soon as I get it done.

It took a bit to get started, but the help doc helped and good old googling helped also. Something that was not clear in the document is how to add external libraries. To enable external lib, click on the 3 dots left of the cancel and save buttons. Moment.js is available but a plugin for duration formatting is not so I had to create a timer from scratch (where google helped ). 2351a5e196

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