What is the PTG? 

Mercury Mine’s Parent Teacher Group (PTG), is a collective group of parents and staff whose mission is to enhance the education and opportunities of all students at Mercury Mine by raising funds to support the school’s programs and services. We strive to promote communication, understanding and cooperation among students, parents, faculty and the community. Our goal is to promote a supportive and engaging community atmosphere. Your PTG puts on fun signature events throughout the year including Bingo Night, Holiday Marketplace, Spring Fling, and many more! 

Why a PTG instead of a PTA/PTO? 

Mercury Mine parents decided to become a Parent Teacher Group​ as opposed to a Parent Teacher Association in order to be open to all parents, children and teachers of our school, and not limit its membership. 

As a result:

What happens to the money you raise? 

Some examples of how funds are utilized include:

Come to a PTG meeting

One of the best ways to get involved with PTG is to attend our general meetings. In attendance are the PTG Board, Mrs. Alley, and many faculty and staff at MMES. We review the budget to ensure transparency, learn about upcoming events and needs, and receive a principal's update. Meetings are held every other month on Tuesdays from 6:30-7:30 pm in the Media Center.