Intro to agstem

Asynchronous 1


Welcome to your Aquaponic system! This week, we will primarily focus on getting your aquaponics system up and running, conducting the appropriate tests to maintain your system, and addressing any issues that may come up in your aquaponics system. To get started, view the system below of your aquaponics unit explained, and then join on this Padlet to share what each tank is responsible for in the system. View this resource for more ideas than what is present in the system!

Aquaponics Explained

Tank 1 will house the plants in our system. For our system, we will be growing basil. There may be some nutrients added in this section to aid in growing in the beginning of the process. The water will flow down
Tank 2 will house the fish in our system, and we will be growing tilapia. The fish will add nutrients to the system, and the amount will fluctuate as the fish grow. The water will then be pumped into the third tank.
Tank 3 will house the filtration system. From the filtration system, the water will be pumped back into tank 1 for recirculation.

Video / Interactive

From the video above, the concept of aquaponics is broken down into two systems: hydroponics and aquaculture. In the Google Form, describe how the aquaculture system is both closed and sustainable.


Delving further into the sustainability of the aquaponics system, we not only need to keep track of the helpful nutrients, but also the harmful waste products. In this section, several resources have been included to explain the closed-system loop are included with a two-step aquaponics system, the plants and the fish. Our system has three sections, with the third step of filtration being essential to the health of both the plants and the fish. Once you have viewed the resources, join the Flipgrid and share ideas on how the nutrients in our system will remain balanced. (PW=Onearcher)

Recirculation of Water Between Each Tank

Recirculation of Nutrients In Aquaponics System

Aquaponics Cycling

Video of Aquaponic Large-Scale Set-Up

Team Challenge

For your team challenge, you will work to fill out the chart of the role of each of the tanks in the aquaponics system. Fill in the Google Document chart for each tank and its role in the system. When you're done, submit here!

Exit Ticket

Great job! To finish up, fill out this Google Form to end for the day! To check out the publications found from SRAC in this lesson, click on the "Resources" tab at the top of the page.