Intro to agstem

Asynchronous 2


To start off with the lesson today, join the Padlet and share your biggest long-term concern with the aquaponics system. If you already see your concern on there from someone else, comment as to why that is your biggest concern!

Video / Interactive

Aquaponics Care and Maintenance

In this video, you will see some important considerations for maintaining your aquaponics system. In this Google Form, please share your three biggest takeaways from the video!

Resource: FAQ guide

Attached here is the current FAQ guide based on research and troubleshooting the aquaponic system. Most of the guide will discuss matters surrounding set-up and troubleshooting, and some factors will focus more on the maintenance of the system. There is also a section about administrating the system at school. Explore the guide before moving into the mini-lesson and the team challenge.


For this mini-lesson, you will be becoming familiar with the FAQ Guide. Go through THIS practice (also to the right) before answering questions on this Google Form.

Intro to AgSTEM - Asynch2 - Mini Lesson.pdf

Team Challenge

Now that you have practiced with the FAQ Guide, you will be problem solving with your team.

For your team challenge, you will work through three different scenarios that may occur within your system. You will work to identify the issue, and then you will predict what effects the issue may have on your overall system. You will finally propose a solution using the FAQ guide as a resource.

Use this Document to work with your team to complete this task. You will be awarded points based on your ability to identify the issue and working to predict a possible issue that may arise from the issue of your aquaponics tank. Good luck!


Exit Ticket

You made it! Submit this exit ticket to complete the second lesson of your introduction to aquaponics. To more easily view the FAQ guide, there is a link on the front page that will take you directly there.