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Books From our Team

My Pencil Made Me Do It

Mentor Carrie Baughcum (Author) The pencil is a single tool that has the power to reset mindsets, enhance thinking, improve retention, recall, and comprehension, calm us and make us smile...all this from our pencil! My Pencil Made Me Do It is a unique, hands-on, create-to-connect and doodle-to-learn book that will have readers DISCOVERING powerful moments, LEARNING the power behind visual thinking, and doodling to learn.
Click here to view book details

Modern Mentor

Mentor Matthew X. Joseph (Author) Those of us in education have one experience in common: mentoring. Good, bad or indifferent, mentors have helped form the foundation for teachers for years and years. Outdated programs, mismatched pairings, and superficial assistance must be cast aside by Modern Mentors as we re-define what mentorship in education should be.Whether you are the mentor of a new teacher, a veteran educator, a peer, an aspiring leader or a sitting administrator, there are many ways to be supportive and aid in their professional growth. Modern Mentor shares stories and strategies designed to propel mentorship from traditional practices to progressive solutions in order to better support today's modern educator and the students they serve.
Click here to view more information about Modern Mentor

Today's Intention

Mentor Kanisha Nashay Parks (Author)
Even though we know that every day is a gift, appreciating the unique treasures that each day has to offer can prove challenging in the midst of life’s various trials. Despite every attempt to remain positive in the face of adversity, life will still sometimes knock the wind out of us, leaving us jaded, broken, bruised, and confused. I wrote "Today’s Intention" because I discovered that one of the enemy’s greatest tools against me was the use of negativity.
Click here for book details

Power of Us

When teachers work in a silo, it limits the collective thinking or brainstorming that is critical to innovative ideas that can transform teaching and learning. Change is hard and sometimes schools are unwilling to change due to many factors (already high achieving, possible union pushback, consistent turnover, and so on). However, moving outside your comfort zone and into the learning zone is a step to breaking down school silos. With skilled educators and the digital resources of today, we have ideas and strategies available 24/7. We have the power to shift a school into a collaborative community and to have critical conversations about exciting and innovative change in schools.Click here to purchase Power of Us

Articles and Resources

3 Ways to Mentor from a Distance

Click here for article by Matthew X. Joseph