The Mentor Round Table

Educators are entering a profession none of us expected or experienced.

This web series aims to provide a place for new educators (either new to education or leadership) to come to feel connected and supported. Some new educators will be live on-screen with us, some will be watching the live broadcast and asking questions, and others will watch the recorded video.

We have to meet educators where they are.

Join our team of experienced educators and new teachers/leaders as we venture into the new world of education!


Web Series Details:

Sunday 8:30 pm EST

Platform: Zoom

Click here to sign up for the weekly link

Follow us on Twitter - @mentorround

Weekly 8:30 PM est

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Ask a Question

If you want to have a question answered on the show, click here to add your question.

Modern Mentor

Those of us in education have one experience in common: mentoring. Good, bad or indifferent, mentors have helped form the foundation for teachers for years and years. Outdated programs, mismatched pairings, and superficial assistance must be cast aside by Modern Mentors as we re-define what mentorship in education should be.

Whether you are the mentor of a new teacher, a veteran educator, a peer, an aspiring leader or a sitting administrator, there are many ways to be supportive and aid in their professional growth. Modern Mentor shares stories and strategies designed to propel mentorship from traditional practices to progressive solutions in order to better support today's modern educator and the students they serve.

Click here to view more information about Modern Mentor